Use the Shift Model for Volunteers and Send Learning Packages for Children

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Gambar Berita Use the Shift Model for Volunteers and Send Learning Packages for Children
  • 20 Dec
  • 2021

Foto Rektor UM Surabaya saat acara pemberangkatan mahasiswa relawan kebencanaan erupsi Semeru

Use the Shift Model for Volunteers and Send Learning Packages for Children

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students who are members of the Disaster Response Students (MATANA) are ready to depart as volunteers for the Semeru eruption disaster. As previously lowered the young doctors for psychosocial.

Ceremoniously the release event was held on Monday, December 20 2021 in the UM Surabaya campus yard. The event was attended by the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, chairman of the East Java Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC), head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) and volunteers.

Head of LPPM UM Surabaya, Dede Nasrullah explained that there were 90 students who had passed the selection from 345 applicants. Technically, the shift model will be used for the departure of volunteers.

"We deliberately dispatched today, not at the start of the disaster. This is the right time after observing and mapping. After a few weeks ago the young doctors at UM Surabaya, now it's the turn of the student volunteers. Handling disaster problems must be systematic and programmed. This release event attended by all volunteers. They will be dispatched to Semeru as many as 10 volunteers each shift with a duration of two weeks. This is done continuously and aims to make this action have a long breath. We want to escort it until the condition is completely recovered "said Dede .

According to Dede, as long as they are volunteers, students will carry out several tasks such as in the logistics, soup kitchen, psychosocial, education, data and information center, and health team. In addition, each volunteer will write down stories of their experiences as volunteers and the tasks they perform.

"For volunteers who are staying in Surabaya and waiting their turn to leave, they will carry out mapping, fundraising and other solidarity actions to support their colleagues in Semeru," added Dede.

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono stated that it was necessary to maintain the work rhythm of disaster response volunteers. Because it is feared that they will still need help when the volunteers have returned home.

"Post-disaster recovery efforts take a long time. So I hope that through the Disaster Response Student Volunteer Program (MATANA), the community's needs can be met, and their conditions will recover soon," he said.

In addition to sending volunteers, UM Surabaya's action this time brought hundreds of study packages for children. The package will be used in the educational process. Of course, in the future we hope to be able to send assistance on a regular basis. Especially financial aid. For today's departure, there is a donation of 35 million collected by the Muhammadiyah Student Association which will be symbolically handed over directly to MDMC East Java, an institution that has focused on disaster issues since the beginning.