Initiating the theme of Earth's Climate Prediction, Zaidan Wins the Astronomy Design Competition

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  • Initiating the theme of Earth's Climate Prediction, Zaidan Wins the Astronomy Design Competition
Gambar Berita Initiating the theme of Earth's Climate Prediction, Zaidan Wins the Astronomy Design Competition
  • 21 Dec
  • 2021

Foto Abdul Aziz Zaidan mahasiswa Hukum Keluarga Islam (Dokumentasi: Humas FAI)

Initiating the theme of Earth's Climate Prediction, Zaidan Wins the Astronomy Design Competition

The national level competition was won by students of the Islamic Family Law (HKI) study program at UM Surabaya. Abdul Aziz Zaidan won second place at the ASTREC (Astronomy Design Competition) event organized by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). The championship announcement was announced live Saturday (11/12/21)

Zaidan, a student who won the competition, said that this year's ASTREC took the big theme Beyond The Space, while the poster he made had the theme Venus, Prediction of the Future Earth's Climate.

“I am often amazed by the beauty of the sky and the objects in the sky. It so happened that since childhood I was fascinated by the morning star, that's why I chose the Venus theme. For me, Venus is the celestial body that shines the brightest every time I see it after the morning prayer," Zaidan said in a very emotional voice.

Zaidan also added that apart from his interest in celestial bodies, he is also interested in art, especially visual arts, which further adds to his enthusiasm for participating in competitions. The creative process for making this poster took a long time, because you had to do research by reading a lot of literature such as articles and journals. According to research results, Venus once had a climate like Earth. Over time and the process of climate change on Venus, 96% of Venus' atmosphere consists of CO2 which causes global warming and increases in temperature to more than 450 degrees Celsius, so that Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Meanwhile, Astronomy Lecturer in Islamic Family Law Study Program, Andi Sitti Mariyam stated that students can study astronomy as well as compete according to their individual interests and talents.

"I only gave a trigger in the form of scientific facts about Venus, the celestial object that caught Zaidan's attention. Furthermore, he developed his own thoughts and imagination and put them into beautiful works, the results were amazing.” said Sitti Mariyam.