Initiating a Legged Fire Extinguisher Robot, UM Surabaya Students Pass KRSRI

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Gambar Berita Initiating a Legged Fire Extinguisher Robot, UM Surabaya Students Pass KRSRI
  • 23 May
  • 2022

Ilustrasi robot pemadam api berkaki tampak samping (Dok: Tim Parikesit)

Initiating a Legged Fire Extinguisher Robot, UM Surabaya Students Pass KRSRI

The Indonesian Sar Robot Contest (KRSI) 2022 is back, this prestigious annual event is held directly by the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). By initiating a three-legged fire extinguisher robot, students of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Electrical Engineering Study Program Mochammad Angga Syahputra, Julian Eza Efansyah and Aida Mahmudah managed to pass the proposal and take part in the next round.

KRI 2022 is being held in stages, starting from the stage of sending proposals from prospective KRI participating teams. Teams that pass the first stage of the proposal selection will take part in the second stage of the selection. In the second phase of the selection, the team will show the robot's appearance online by sending a video of the robot's appearance directly via video conferencing. This second stage of the selection is the Regional Level Indonesian Robot Contest to select robot teams that will be invited to attend in person at the 2022 National Level Indonesian Robot Contest.

In a written statement, Angga, a student who passed the KRSRI, explained that the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) is a design and engineering competition in the field of robotics organized by the National Achievement Center and can be participated in by student teams at universities registered at the Ministry of Education and Culture and databases. higher education.

"We named the team Parikesit. We initiated a firefighting robot with legs that is used by hexapod (6-legged) species resembling insects by applying the concept of 3 degrees of freedom in each leg," explained Angga, Monday (23/5/22)

Angga also explained that the robot that was initiated by his team has an actuator for each joint that will move the robot's legs using 18 servo motors. The frame or chassis is made of aluminum with a thickness of 2-3 mm for each level on the robot body as a spacer to support it with a length dimension of 295 mm. 265mm wide and 200mm high.

He further explained that the robot made by his team will have ten sensor systems including arduino mega 2560, servo towerpro MG996R, 5 channel flame sensor, lidar sensor, line sensor/TCRT5000, SR04 ultrasonic sensor, TCS3200 color sensor, relay, waterpump and finally the switch. google.

"Thank you to the university and accompanying lecturers who always support us so that up to this point, hopefully our team will be given smooth sailing in the next second round and qualify so they can take part in this robot contest directly, and we are grateful if we go home with a win and make the university proud," he added.

He added that he would focus on preparing the team, starting from the arena and gradually repairing the robot. He emphasized that his team would maximize it as well as possible to qualify for the national level stage.

Meanwhile, Junaidi Fery Efendi Head of the Alumni Bureau for Student Affairs and Innovation (BAKAI) UM Surabaya expressed his pride at the passage of the 3 students who could take part in the contest in the next round and hoped to be able to take part in the contest directly at the Tenth November Institute of Technology 29 June-3 July.

"The university will continue to support students who compete at regional, national and international levels. Of course, this aims to develop and enhance the creativity of students in tertiary institutions as well as apply science and technology to the real world and improve students' abilities in developing the field of robotics technology," he concluded.