Initiating ESP32-Based Learning Media for Mental Disability, UM Surabaya Students Win First Place

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Gambar Berita Initiating ESP32-Based Learning Media for Mental Disability, UM Surabaya Students Win First Place
  • 16 Mar
  • 2022

Foto Desy Patmawati dan tim (Dok: Science community)

Initiating ESP32-Based Learning Media for Mental Disability, UM Surabaya Students Win First Place

The national level competition was won by students from the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) Mathematics Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Desi Patmawati, Anggita Damarani and R Amirur Rajif.

By initiating the theme Water Split (PAIR) as an ESP32 and smartphone-based learning media for mentally retarded students, he won first place with a total score of 192.6 in Maption 2022. Monday (14/3/22)

"Starting from the lack of interest in students at Special Schools (SLB) in learning mathematics which still use conventional media in learning, it makes students easily bored and difficult to understand," said Desy in a written statement.

Desy explained the advantages of the Water Fractional Media (PAIR) using water media and an ESP32-based embedded system as an l/O processor that is integrated with a smartphone as a learning medium for the PAIR smartphone application.

"This application consists of various choices of fractional numbers which then when pressed will send an order to the device to issue a certain amount of water according to the fractional number chosen by the student," he said again.

He hopes that the PAIR media initiated by his team can help solve problems related to learning mathematics and can be developed to keep up with the times.

Meanwhile, Ratno Abidin, the Dean of the Teaching and Education Faculty, appreciated the achievements of the Mathematics Education Study Program students.

"I hope that what students have achieved will not be the end, instead it should be a trigger to continue to improve achievements both at the regional, national and international levels. It is hoped that this good achievement will be followed by other students," he concluded.