Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS) Teaches Children to Care for the Environment Through Storytelling

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Gambar Berita Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS) Teaches Children to Care for the Environment Through Storytelling
  • 24 Mar
  • 2022

Foto anak-anak saat mendengarkan dongeng cinta lingkungan (Dok: Humas)

Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS) Teaches Children to Care for the Environment Through Storytelling

A series of the 2022 Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS) at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) carries the concept of the Natural School.

This concept is carried out to convey a message to the public through a series of agendas involving children on the slopes of Mount Semeru, through various educational activities.

The person in charge of the Natural School Program, Thoat Stiawan said, there were three agendas carried out in several posts. Children are divided into several groups and go through several posts with their respective obstacles.

"In post 1 students listen to stories telling through hand puppets about the importance of protecting nature and the impact if humans destroy nature, while in post 2 students paint nature, and post 3 or the last is planting," said Thoat.

Thoat explained the messages in the stories that were told such as the prohibition against littering, the prohibition of cutting down trees, as well as various programs to improve the cognitive and psychomotor aspects of children on the Semeru Slopes so they love nature more.

Meanwhile, Project Director of FLS UM Surabaya 2022, Radius Setiyawan conveyed that this education was provided so that awareness of caring for the environment and fighting climate change is contained from an early age.

"This is the responsibility of all parties, including residents affected by the Semeru eruption," he said.

The agenda, which was attended by 23 children from the Semeru Slope residents, left a deep impression.

Rafael Maulana Ibra, participant of Alam Raya School who is also a grade 6 student at Sumbermujur Elementary School was very impressed with the existence of a natural school with interesting learning.

"I was taught to protect forests and protect the environment with various exciting agendas, such as listening to fairy tales (story telling), guessing picture quizzes related to the environment," he said.

According to him, natural schools are more exciting than classroom schools because they teach the values of freedom and adventure.

Meanwhile, a grade 7 student at MTS Sumbermujur, Asyifaul Jannah, said that the message to protect the forest is with various agendas that are not taught in theory in class but are more practical.

"I will share this exciting experience with my friends, and we will continue to do this in the spirit of protecting the environment," he said.