Faculty of Medicine UM Surabaya Takes Oath of 23 New Doctors

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Gambar Berita Faculty of Medicine UM Surabaya Takes Oath of 23 New Doctors
  • 15 Mar
  • 2023

Foto rektor UM Surabaya saat memberikan sambutan pengambilan sumpah dokter (Humas)

Faculty of Medicine UM Surabaya Takes Oath of 23 New Doctors

The Faculty of Medicine, Muhamamadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) held the oath of the first batch of doctors at the At-Tauhid Tower Building UM Surabaya on Wednesday (15/3/23). A total of 23 doctors pledged to follow the oath led by dr. H.M. Jusuf Wibisono Sp.P (K), FCCP, FIRS.

Muhamamad Anas Dean of the UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) in his speech said the 23 young doctors who took the oath came from various regions, not only East Java but various regions in Indonesia. Not only that, Anas also said that the first batch of FK UM Surabaya had won many achievements both at the national and international levels.

"With the many achievements that have been achieved by FK UM Surabaya, this proves that FK UM Surabaya is indeed qualified even though it is only 7 years old, of course FK UM Surabaya deserves to be the choice in studying," Anas said in his speech.

On behalf of the leadership at the Faculty of Medicine, he also congratulated the 23 doctors who have made the process and are struggling to reach this point, of course, with a process that is not easy.

"Today is a day that has been awaited for a long time, of course it is a special day and is awaited by children who have undergone a long process of medical education," Anas said again.

Anas hopes that after the 23 young doctors take their oaths and vows, all of them will be committed and trustworthy in carrying out their profession. Carrying out a humanitarian mission in providing services to the community in the service process, according to him, being a doctor is a challenge. The challenge is to keep honing quality and keep learning.

Meanwhile, Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, in his speech conveyed the provisions that graduates must continue to carry, one of which is the vision of UM Surabaya.

According to Suko, the first thing that must be adhered to is morality. Moral is the main foundation in acting and carrying out the profession that is carried out, especially the medical profession whose duty is to serve the community.

"Morals or morals are number one, with our morals influencing and being trusted by others. My message is to take the vision of UM Surabaya everywhere," Suko said in front of the participants.

Both are intellectual. Being a doctor is being a lifelong learner. This means that a doctor must continue to hone knowledge. He advised not to be easily satisfied, keep learning, continue studying again and so on.

All three are entrepreneurial. An unyielding spirit, a confident soul and responsibility. He advised when in carrying out this profession, when given a mandate not to betray and run it well.

“Be a good doctor according to the faculty's vision, but also become an excellent doctor in other fields. Armed with faith and piety, "added Suko again.

At the end of his remarks, he thanked his parents for giving full trust to UM Surabaya as a place to study. According to him, in the future UM Surabaya will continue to improve quality, both in terms of infrastructure and Human Resources (HR).