Four UM Surabaya Borong Athletes Win at the 2021 National Jujitsu Event

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Gambar Berita Four UM Surabaya Borong Athletes Win at the 2021 National Jujitsu Event
  • 13 Dec
  • 2021

Foto Atlet UM Surabaya di Kejuaraan Jujitsu Nasional Unesa 2021 (Dokumentasi: Arin Vevi)

Four UM Surabaya Borong Athletes Win at the 2021 National Jujitsu Event

UM Surabaya athletes never stop achieving. 4 UM Surabaya athletes won 5 trophies at the National Jujitsu event held by Surabaya State University (UNESA) December 10-12 2021. The sports championship which was held at the Unesa Sports Hall was attended by hundreds of athletes from various cities in Indonesia.

Arin Vevi Putri Ayu Hermawan (Law Study Program) won 1st place in the team demo category, Nahrisyah (Law Study Program) won 3 winners at the same time namely 1st place in the team demo, 2nd place in the newaza upper 17 category D girls and 2nd place in the female upper 17 committee class F . Muhammad Faisal Hasim (Management Study Program) won 1st place in the upper 17 class C men's amateur category. Meanwhile Aida Siti Nur Halizah (Accounting Study Program) won 2nd place in the upper 17 class C women's committee category.

These four students were quite proud, even though with minimal training and sudden preparations, they all succeeded and came home with a trophy that made the university proud

"From 1st place I don't want to let my guard down, I want to defend as much as possible, I hope this championship will be a driving force for enthusiasm to continue to excel as well as a provision for the national Jujitsu championship in Ponorogo in the future. I hope that the campus will continue to facilitate every competition that will be participated in at the national and international levels," explained Arin Vevi in a written statement.

Junaidy Fery Effendi Head of Student Affairs and Innovation Bureau (BAKAI) UM Surabaya appreciated the achievements of the 4 students who received athlete scholarships.

"The four athlete scholarship recipients have proven their extraordinary achievements, they have brought home 5 trophies. This is a real contribution because it has made the name of the university proud at the national level. Achievements at the national level should be appreciated and supported so that the achievements that have been achieved do not stop. The campus will always support athletes so they can compete at the national and international levels," Junaidy said when met in his room.

Junaidy also added that Jujitsu Unesa Open XV was a prestigious championship, because it was attended by hundreds of athletes from various cities in Indonesia. The university will continue to accompany these outstanding athletes to prepare for other championships in the future.