Education on the Dangers of Pinjol, UM Surabaya Enters the Best Nomination for Ministry of Education and Culture 2021 Empowerment

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Gambar Berita Education on the Dangers of Pinjol, UM Surabaya Enters the Best Nomination for Ministry of Education and Culture 2021 Empowerment
  • 27 Nov
  • 2021

Foto Ainul Yaqin dan tim di depan gambar mural yang berlokasi di Tempurejo (Dokumentasi: Ainul Yaqin)

Education on the Dangers of Pinjol, UM Surabaya Enters the Best Nomination for Ministry of Education and Culture 2021 Empowerment

UM Surabaya students of the Islamic Banking Student Association have successfully entered the Nominator for the 2021 Community Service Program held by the Ministry of Education and Culture. A student team coordinated by Ainul Yaqin and 16 of its members successfully passed with the title of the proposal for Implementation of Smart Islamic Finance Villages in Tempurejo with Islamic Financial Management Innovations. Wednesday (24/11)

The education created by Ainul Yaqin and the team is a mural to remind the public about the dangers of illegal online loans (pinjol). Pinjol is a serious problem while the community lacks education and socialization, so many people take advantage of it without knowing the risks involved. Loans with easy and tempting terms eventually many are complacent, even though these illegal loans add very high interest.

"Thank God, the research that we initiated has made it into the nominee. This is a good start for the team, but also a challenge that we really have to prepare carefully to become a winner. We hope that this research will continue to be funded by P3D (Village Empowerment Development Program) so that we can develop a community service program with the theme of Islamic finance," said Ainul in a written statement.

Ainul and the team also hope that their research will become an embryo to disseminate a good understanding of Islamic finance and continue with an economic pattern that is in accordance with Sharia to the wider community. Especially on the problems of people who borrow from traditional moneylenders and online loans. Ainul hopes that many families will have enlightened minds which will eventually have an impact on gradually increasing the community's economy.

Junaidy Ferry Efendi Head of Student Affairs and Innovation Bureau (BAKAI) appreciated the entry of the UM Surabaya team in this prestigious event.

"We have a bigger responsibility after this, we make this nomination a whip so that this research passes in the next round and is funded. This is the first time UM Surabaya has been included in the nominations for abdidaya, hopefully there will be more next year," concluded Junaidy.