Supporting the National Halal Industry, UM Surabaya Inaugurates Halal Center

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Gambar Berita Supporting the National Halal Industry, UM Surabaya Inaugurates Halal Center
  • 27 May
  • 2022

Halal Center oleh Rektor UM Surabaya di dampingi oleh ketua Halal Center dan Direktur LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah

Supporting the National Halal Industry, UM Surabaya Inaugurates Halal Center

Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world which has potential in the trend of the halal industry and of course the state needs to provide health insurance to the public. Therefore, with the potential that Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) has, it supports this by launching a research center and study center as the UM Surabaya Halal Center on Friday (27/5/22)

Head of the UM Surabaya Halal Center M. Anas explained that the UM Surabaya Halal Center would be a center for halal studies based on morality, intellect, and entrepreneurship which would function as a research center related to halal products. He explained that it was very suitable because UM Surabaya had these potentials and advantages.

"We have at least four missions including building public awareness and commitment to halal products. Collaborating with the business world, research institutions and Islamic organizations in developing halal products. Becoming an industry partner to enter the industrial era both on a national and international scale as well as conducting integrated research on products and services that are relevant to the halal industry," explained Anas in his remarks.

Furthermore, he added that there were at least 81 TOT participants in the activities that we will continue to monitor and provide assistance to produce competent business actors. Anas explained that currently UM Surabaya already has four halal lab tools including HPLc (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), GC (Gas Chromatography), and AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry).

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, in his remarks said that he would fully support the programs initiated by the Halal Center of UM Surabaya, and even the university would be committed to providing the required tools.

"The establishment of the UM Surabaya Halal Center is an effort to assist the government in guaranteeing halal products in Indonesia. In the future, the university will cooperate with the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot), especially in empowering Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)," explained Suko when opening his remarks.

Suko also emphasized that the Surabaya City Government had signed an MoU with UM Surabaya as a cooperation partner.

According to Suko, talking about halal products is the same as talking about fulfilling the needs of the Indonesian people who are dominated by the Muslim community. Related to halal products, of course, this is very necessary in the context of fulfilling the need for healthy and good food for the community.

In addition, Suko also hopes that the UM Surabaya Halal Center can take a strategic role in developing halal products in Indonesia. It can even become an international standard halal research center.

"I hope that the UM Surabaya Halal Center, with all the infrastructure and resources currently owned, can become a driving force, take a strategic role in the development of the halal product industry, and become an international standard halal center," he concluded.