Accompanied by UM Surabaya, Singapore Polytechnic Observes the Location of Learning Express International KKN in Lamongan

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Gambar Berita Accompanied by UM Surabaya, Singapore Polytechnic Observes the Location of Learning Express International KKN in Lamongan
  • 08 Jun
  • 2023

Foto Fasilitator Singapore Polytehnic (SP) saat berdiskusi dengan Kepala Desa Khusnul Khuluq (Humas)

Accompanied by UM Surabaya, Singapore Polytechnic Observes the Location of Learning Express International KKN in Lamongan

Four Singapore Polytechnic (SP) facilitators inspected the location of the international Learning Express (LeX) Real Work Lecture (KKN) in Paciran Lamongan District on Tuesday (6/6/23) accompanied by the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) team.

During the visit, four SP facilitators included: Mr. Lee, Nurul, Janny and Cyrine went down in person and met local residents and the local government. The choice of Lamongan District, Paciran District as a community service project is not without reason, because this international collaboration activity focuses on the program agenda in order to support the Sustainable Development Goals.

From the results of the location review conducted in Paciran and Sendang Agung, this service project will focus on three things including: first, how is the process of making palm sugar safe and efficient. Second, how is the production of environmentally friendly palm sugar. Third, how to improve worker safety during the batik production process while maintaining the culture and heritage of written batik.

When met, Head of Paciran Village, Khusnul Khuluq, said that this was the first time in Paciran that there was an international KKN involving foreign students. According to him, this is a positive thing in building the village together.

"The potential in Lamongan is extraordinary, especially in Paciran starting from culinary, tourism, culture. The hope is that with this international KKN it will introduce Lamongan Paciran on a global and even world scale, said Khuluq

He also said that the village government would be very open and would facilitate whatever things were needed, because he really hoped that this international KKN would have enormous benefits and impacts on the community.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service Dede Nasrullah said that, even though the International Learning Express KKN was conducted for twelve days, he believed that the collaboration between UM Surabaya and Singapore Polytechnic would produce solutions needed by the community through the prototypes that had been made.

"Of course I really hope this will continue to be sustainable, so that it will have a big impact on developing the village," concluded Dede.