From the Proud Athlete of Indonesia to Young Innovators to New Students at UM Surabaya

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  • From the Proud Athlete of Indonesia to Young Innovators to New Students at UM Surabaya
Gambar Berita From the Proud Athlete of Indonesia to Young Innovators to New Students at UM Surabaya
  • 28 Sep
  • 2022

Foto Atlet, Hafidzah, Inovator Muda UM Surabaya (Humas)

From the Proud Athlete of Indonesia to Young Innovators to New Students at UM Surabaya

The opening of the Mastama, Ordik and University of Surabaya MOX UKM (UM Surabaya) Expo was directly attended by talented young talents ranging from athletes, young innovators, influencers to hafidzah (Al-Quran memorizers).

Nine talented new students including Khusnul Yakin (Athlete of National Amputee Football Team) Fredo Dimas Saputro (Athlete of National Team of Amputee Football) Bunayya Latifah (Hafidzah 30 Juz) Qanita Zain (Hafidzah 30 Juz) Aditya Muhammad Rasyid (Surabaya Futsal Star East Surabaya) Samuel Eko Putro Tampubolon (Indonesian Futsal National Team Athlete) Muhammad Hidayat (Persebaya Surabaya Athlete) Alwi Slamat (Persebaya Surabaya Athlete) and Arief Budi Kurniawan (E-Sport National Team Athlete)

The nine students officially became new students of UM Surabaya through the scholarship route. Starting from athlete scholarships, influencer scholarships, disabled scholarships to tahfidz scholarships.

Meanwhile, UM Surabaya Chancellor Sukadiono hopes that the number of young talents studying at UM Surabaya will continue to grow. Various scholarships at UM Surabaya can be used by young talents who wish to study at UM Surabaya through scholarships.

"The university will continue to be consistent and committed to providing scholarships to talented young people throughout Indonesia, not only through academic channels, but also non-academic ones," said Suko.

According to him, the athletes who entered UM Surabaya in the previous year had made a real contribution to the university, East Java and Indonesia. Starting from rock climbing athletes, all of them have competed on the world stage and returned to make Indonesia proud.

Suko also asked for support from all Indonesian people that 2 new UM Surabaya students Khusnul Yakin and Fredo Dimas Saputro Amputation Football Team Athletes are currently attending the Training Center in DKI Jakarta for 2 months before leaving for Turkey.

"Thank God, these two UM Surabaya new students managed to qualify to represent the Indonesian National Team (Timnas) fortunately to compete in the Amputation Football World Cup in Turkey in October," said Suko.