In Commemoration of Anniversary, UM Surabaya Makes Innovation Projects in 39 Points

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Gambar Berita In Commemoration of Anniversary, UM Surabaya Makes Innovation Projects in 39 Points
  • 08 Mar
  • 2023

Foto rektor UM Surabaya saat membuka Milad UM Surabaya ke-39 (Humas)

In Commemoration of Anniversary, UM Surabaya Makes Innovation Projects in 39 Points

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) held the opening of its 39th anniversary at the 13th floor of the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Wednesday (8/3/23). The opening ceremony which was held offline was attended by all lecturers and educational staff at UM Surabaya.

"The 39th anniversary of UM Surabaya takes the theme Excellence in Harmony. A theme that will be a reminder of UM Surabaya's 39 year journey in contributing to the education of the nation's children," said the Chancellor of UM Surabaya in his remarks.

Suko, as he is nicknamed, explained that excelling means that UM Surabaya has played its best role in the implementation of dharma chess. Harmony means that all achievements are realized optimally when kinship and a network of strengths take root among the entire academic community.

Not only that, Suko said that at the 39th anniversary, UM Surabaya also focused on product innovation collaboration expeditions in 39 schools and communities. Agka 39 apart from marking the age of UM Surabaya is also a marker of the collaborative service of UM Surabaya with schools and communities in Indonesia.

The 39 points consist of 13 Student Innovation Programs (PIM) which directly involve SMA/SMK students. 14 lecturer service programs at schools on Muhammadiyah Research, 5 student foster homes for street children in Surabaya, matching fun programs, teaching campuses, film festivals to amputee football sponsorships.

Suko added, the 39 points that became the UM Surabaya program emphasized the function and role of the campus in dedicating their knowledge in the midst of society. The community-based empowerment model, the innovation product assistance model proves that UM Surabaya excels in innovation work but also harmony and blends in the midst of society, so that excellence in harmony becomes a theme that reinforces the function and role of UM Surabaya as the best tertiary institution in Indonesia.

At the end of his speech, Suko said that the tagline of a million innovation campus had been surpassed by UM Surabaya at the age of 39.

"Inventions made by the community, lecturers, students with all kinds of innovative products do not only exist on campus and become ivory towers, but can actually be enjoyed by the wider community and the role of innovative products is directly beneficial in society," concluded Suko.