Creating Healthy Noodles from Moringa Leaves, UM Surabaya Students Pass the KBMI

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Gambar Berita Creating Healthy Noodles from Moringa Leaves, UM Surabaya Students Pass the KBMI
  • 20 Nov
  • 2022

Ayu Fatmawati dan tim dalam Ajang Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) (Dokumentasi:Humas UM Surabaya)

Creating Healthy Noodles from Moringa Leaves, UM Surabaya Students Pass the KBMI

UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences students, Ayu Fatmawati, Yuyun Endang and Filda Aulia were successfully funded and got the opportunity to exhibit at the Indonesian Student Business Competition (KBMI) event held by the Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education. Wednesday (17/11)

The innovation created by Fatmawati and the team is a healthy instant noodle product made from Moringa leaves.

"We make this noodle with the aim of educating the public about using Moringa leaves to prevent Covid, we all know that Moringa leaves have many benefits. The content of this leaf also has nutrients, calcium, potassium and protein. Apart from that, these leaves can also be processed into various kinds of food and drinks such as noodles, clear vegetables, juice, nastar, donuts, bakwan, etc.

Fatma also said that she prepared carefully for the exhibition. Apart from exhibitions, Fatma's team also made live presentations. He explained that the noodles made by his team had advantages compared to other products.

"Instant noodles are popular with Indonesian people, from the old to the young. Therefore we took this theme. Many people think that instant noodles are unhealthy and the main raw material is flour, so we are trying to find new innovations to make healthy instant noodles," he added.

Not only finished at the exhibition, this noodle product called Mie Opyok made by UM Surabaya students can also be enjoyed at Grabfood.

Meanwhile Junaidy Ferry Efendi Head of Student Affairs and Innovation Bureau (BAKAI) appreciated the achievements this midwifery student had achieved.

"Alhamdulillah, this is the first year that UM Surabaya has passed the KBMI event, hopefully next year more students will receive funding, hopefully research like this can be a whip for other students to excel," he concluded.