Creating Geometry Puppet Innovations from Plastic Waste, UM Surabaya Students Pass PIMNAS

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Gambar Berita Creating Geometry Puppet Innovations from Plastic Waste, UM Surabaya Students Pass PIMNAS
  • 03 Nov
  • 2021

Foto Sindi Novelia bersama tim menunjukkan produk inovasi boneka geometri (Humas)

Creating Geometry Puppet Innovations from Plastic Waste, UM Surabaya Students Pass PIMNAS

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students Sindi Novelia Team, Nurusy Syahrotir Rohmah, Nida Faticha Risalah, Shofia Al Falah and Triska Ilma Wardhani successfully passed the 35th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) 2022 Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology with the title "Smart Solution Geometry Puppets Reducing Plastic Waste & Learning Interesting Maths.

Sindi Novelia as Team Leader explained that the Geometry dolls made with her team have the benefit of reducing plastic waste while increasing doll products that have a sale value.

According to him, the doll product that was made with his team uses the main ingredient from sheet plastic waste which is used as stuffing for dolls. Grade A velboa fabric, dacron, plastic waste, detergent, paper bags, packaging stickers, hang tags, care labels, brown paper, and sewing thread.

"This doll comes with a geometric flat shape and has a distinct advantage from other dolls, namely that there is a QR Code which when scanned will be connected to a math learning application," said Sindi on Tuesday (3/11/22)

Sindi said that the shape of the doll was deliberately designed to resemble a geometric shape and an attractive face design that aims to increase the attractiveness of the community, especially elementary school children (SD).

According to him, the advantages and benefits of the smart geometry dolls made with his team are to learn mathematics, but they still need guidance and assistance from parents.

He hopes that his smart geometry dolls will not be inferior to other doll businesses. He said that for the first time this research and work was aimed at children in all Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools (SD) in East Java.

“Currently there are 136 Muhammadiyah elementary schools in East Java. This marketing does not rule out the possibility of expanding not only in Muhammadiyah schools but also other public schools," he explained again.

Meanwhile Junaidi Fery Efendi as the supervisor hopes that the ideas created by the students under his guidance will become products that have educational value for Elementary School (SD) children to learn geometric shapes.

"I hope this doesn't end at PIMNAS, but also adds to the diversity of interesting and educational mathematics learning media for elementary schools throughout the country," explained Junaidi

He said that the smart geometry doll product has the characteristics of a flat shape consisting of circles, trapezoids, squares and triangles.

With this form, we hope that elementary school (SD) consumers will be more familiar with flat shapes," Junaidi concluded.