UM Surabaya won three categories of champions in the Ministry of Education and Culture's Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) event 2021 on December 6 2021. The categories w [Read More]
Tapak Suci athletes from UM Surabaya managed to win in various categories at the Airlangga Championship Tapak Suci International Virtual Open 2021 which was held online from 8-12 November 2021. UM [Read More]
University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya experienced a significant increase in ranking in the LLDIKTI VII Superior Campus Award (IKU). UM Surabaya is in 8th position with a total score of 475.0. While i [Read More]
UM Surabaya athletes never stop achieving. 7 UM Surabaya athletes won 7 medals in the 2021 Provincial Championship (3/12/21). Hundreds of athletes from various regions in East Java took part in the [Read More]
Pradeva Adelia, UM Surabaya Athlete made another achievement. After previously at the XX PON Papua event managed to bring home a bronze medal for East Java, now Pradeva has won a gold and bronze me [Read More]
UM Surabaya athletes won 2 champions in the 2021 East Java Province Jujitsu Championship (25/11/2021). The championship, which was held at the Widya Kartika Surabaya building, was attended by 185 p [Read More]