Tuition Fees for DKV Department S1 at UM Surabaya, Check the Details

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Gambar Berita Tuition Fees for DKV Department S1 at UM Surabaya, Check the Details
  • 09 May
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar (pixabay)

Tuition Fees for DKV Department S1 at UM Surabaya, Check the Details

The Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV) is often the major of interest every year in tertiary institutions. Apart from being synonymous with young people, this department is a branch of design or art science. On their way to becoming students, DKV students will learn communication concepts and creative expressions, techniques and media by utilizing visual or visual elements. This is done to convey a message with a specific purpose.

During the lecture process DKV students will learn a lot about graphics, 2D images, even moving 3D images such as on electronic media and interactive sites. DKV graduates are required to be able to process messages effectively, informative and communicative.

Head of Visual Communication Design Study Program (DKV) UM Surabaya Agus Budiman said that the job prospects for DKV graduates vary greatly, depending on interests and expertise.

"DKV graduates can become freelance entrepreneurs such as graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, animators, web designers and so on," said Budi Tuesday (9/5/23)

Budi said DKV graduates could also become Design Consulting Bureaus (graphic design) for Production House Advertising. State Civil Apparatus (ASN) mass media, Printing and Public Relations, both private and government institutions.

The following is the tuition fee for DKV UM Surabaya:

· Education Fund: 3,900,000

· Building fee: 3,900,000

· Form fee: 350,000

In addition to payments that can be paid in installments, it seems that the DKV Study Program at UM Surabaya can also be accessed using various scholarship pathways including:

· KIP-K Scholarship

Dhuafa Scholarship

· IT Vocational High School Alumni and Influencer Scholarships

· Disability Scholarships

· Invitation Scholarship

· Neighborhood Scholarship

· Muhammadiyah School Alumni Scholarship or Muhammadiyah Citizens

· Tahfidz Scholarship

For more information, prospective new students can visit the official website at or call 085852446337