Berliana Indah, UM Surabaya Students Won 2nd Place in the 2022 PTMA Pilmapres

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Gambar Berita Berliana Indah, UM Surabaya Students Won 2nd Place in the 2022 PTMA Pilmapres
  • 06 Jun
  • 2022

Foto Berliana Indah saat mengikuti ajang Pilmapres (Dok: Humas)

Berliana Indah, UM Surabaya Students Won 2nd Place in the 2022 PTMA Pilmapres

Berliana Indah Shafa Putri, a UM Surabaya Bachelor of Nursing Study Program (Prodi) student was named the winner of 2nd place in league 2 of the National Level Achievement Student Selection (PILMAPRES) held between Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Universities (PTMA) throughout Indonesia on Saturday (4/6) /22)

He won the title and won 2nd place after passing the final round and competing with 52 students from various Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities in Indonesia. One of them is Sorong Muhammadiyah University, Ponorogo Muhammadiyah University, Kalimantan Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University and other Muhammadiyah Universities.

"Initially, I knew about this event because it was chosen by the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI). Besides that, I really wanted to take part in the Pilmapres for a long time. Grateful for being given the opportunity to represent UM Surabaya and compete with the Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah campus in Indonesia," said Berliana.

Berliana said, before being crowned champion she took part in a series of processes starting from administrative selection, uploading videos, uploading posters and self-descriptions, the final round to the announcement of the winners.

"There are four indicators during the assessment including organizational experience, role in society, English language skills and finally the assessment during discussion forums in English followed by arguments with other participants," Berliana said.

The girl who was born in Tuban, 24 February 2001, explained that her creative idea when participating in the Pilmapres was the issue of stunting.

"So the idea I came up with was a stunting application. In the future there will be information about stunting with promotive targets for prospective brides. There are also recipes for processed food so that the nutrition is not lost," he explained.

According to him, being the winner of the Pilmapres has a big responsibility. Because you have to be able to spread the benefits and stay productive. According to him, after this he will continue the Pilmapres held by the Directorate General of Higher Education.

This 6th semester student also hopes that in the future he will have many opportunities to represent the campus in various competitions and continue his studies abroad.

Meanwhile Junaidi Fery Efendi Head of the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI) appreciated the achievements of UM Surabaya Faculty of Nursing students. It is hoped that the competitions that are followed will become the starting point for achievements, both at the national and international levels.