Providing Scholarships for Highest Score Participants, Pusba UM Surabaya Holds TOEFL and TOEIC Simulation for SMA/SMK Students

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Gambar Berita Providing Scholarships for Highest Score Participants, Pusba UM Surabaya Holds TOEFL and TOEIC Simulation for SMA/SMK Students
  • 21 Feb
  • 2023

Foto pelaksanaan TOEFL dan TOEIC Simulation untuk Siswa SMA/SMK di UM Surabaya (Pusba)

Providing Scholarships for Highest Score Participants, Pusba UM Surabaya Holds TOEFL and TOEIC Simulation for SMA/SMK Students

The Language Center (Pusba) of Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) is holding a TOEFL & TOEIC simulation which will be held on 18-19 February 2023 at the At-Tauhid Building, 10th floor, UM Surabaya. This activity, which is a routine agenda, has been held in the last few years, and this is the 4th year that the TOEFL&TOEIC Simulation Akbar has been held with the target of high school/vocational high school students and the general public.

"During the pandemic, Pusba UM Surabaya also carried out a grand TOEFL/TOEIC simulation online. Now, after the pandemic, Pusba is implementing it offline. So that the participants did not only come from the Surabaya area, but there were also those who came from outside the city," explained Waode Hamsia, Head of Pusba UM Surabaya, Tuesday (21/2/23)

Waode said that most of the participants were high school and vocational students from Muhammadiyah schools, state schools, Islamic boarding schools to the general public. Waode said, the results of the TOEFL/TOEIC Simulation test would later be used to improve English skills.

Not only that, Waode said that participants with the highest scores would receive registration vouchers and scholarships from UM Surabaya.

"For the lucky students, they will get a scholarship from UM Surabaya. I also hope that participants who have low scores from the results of this test will take further English study at Pusba UM Surabaya so that test takers in the future can have competitiveness in the world of work, "added Waode again.

According to him, the participants who took part in this activity had various goals. One of the TOEFL & TOIEC participants, Naufal Athallah Rahardian from SMAM 3 Surabaya said that his goal in participating in this activity was to obtain a certificate that would support him so he could enter his target English Literature study program.

“I have taken a test like this before, but I want to test my skills again. Thank you Pusba UM Surabaya for opening this opportunity for SMA/SMK students," said Naufal.

Meanwhile, another participant, Khanifatus Sa'diyah from SMAM 2 Kertosono, said that even though he needed to travel 2 hours to take this test, he was persistent and came at the appointed time.

"I'm happy to be able to take part in this simulation test, I hope the results are what I expected and I can use them as they should," concluded Khanifatus.