In Collaboration with Lazismu and RSM Lamongan, Junior Doctor of UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Helps ODGJ Recovery in Bulubrangsi, Laren District

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Gambar Berita In Collaboration with Lazismu and RSM Lamongan, Junior Doctor of UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Helps ODGJ Recovery in Bulubrangsi, Laren District
  • 23 May
  • 2023

Foto Pos Pemeriksaan oleh Dokter Muda (Humas FK)

In Collaboration with Lazismu and RSM Lamongan, Junior Doctor of UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Helps ODGJ Recovery in Bulubrangsi, Laren District

Young Doctors of FK UM Surabaya together with LazisMu Lamongan and Psychiatrist at Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital took part in filling in the Posyandu Jiwa activities together with the Laren Health Center, which was held at the Bulubrangsi Village Hall, Laren District, Lamongan Regency, on Friday (19/5/23)

The Posyandu, which has been active since October 2016, is implemented as a means for survivors of people with mental disorders (ODGJ) in recovery, prevention and reduction of higher risks which are monitored regularly.

Through monitoring the progress of abilities in daily life, community socialization and health of the ODGJ survivors it is hoped that they can improve their welfare in living life so that they are not dependent on other people.

In this Posyandu Jiwa activity, services were divided into 3 tables, namely: first, registration, measurement of height and weight, secondly blood pressure checks by young doctors, thirdly interviews by young doctors regarding complaints, problems, and exploring the feelings and thoughts faced by participants as well as prescribing and medication.


Meanwhile, Era Catur Prasetya who is a Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya said that playing can hone participants' confidence to dare to move forward by displaying their talents and sharing their experiences in filling their free time to develop their skills and social abilities in society.

"Interactive games, skills, complex activities help ODGJ to get cognitive remediation which can improve neurocognitive abilities such as attention, working memory, cognitive flexibility and planning, as well as executive function which leads to an increase in psychosocial functions in daily activities," said Era Catur.

According to him, the games given to the participants of the mental health post are used as a means of play therapy where the participants are expected to be able to express themselves and help body coordination so that they can be better coordinated with movement exercises.

The games given include games showing several body parts such as the nose, eyes, legs, chin precisely and coordinating movements such as giving clapping according to the number of directions specified. The final game is in the form of singing while dancing and clapping while the song sounds, then when the song sounds the Posyandu participants find seats as soon as possible in the limited seats.

“Hopefully the game can help the coordination of movement and the ability to control the participants themselves. They seemed happy with this game and were competing to get prizes," he added.

Catur, who is a psychiatric doctor at FK UM Surabaya, appealed to the ODGJ assistants at home to carry out activities for their recovery through light activities. Activities that support the recovery of ODGJ start from accompanying taking medication and treatment because the highest relapse is due to drug withdrawal, supporting ODGJ to carry out basic activities independently such as eating, bathing, worship and supporting to provide space according to ODGJ's abilities in social interaction and work such as providing opportunities working 3 hours/day, doing his hobby without stigmatizing the disorder he is experiencing.

Meanwhile, the Bulubangsri village government hopes that the existence of a Posyandu Jiwa like this can reduce the bad stigma among the community towards ODGJ who are always maniacs, laughing to themselves, getting angry, often disturbing the community or even harassing the community.

"We also hope that the community can become a good support system for the ODGJ who are here, the ODGJ in Bulubangsri village also often do activities they like such as farming, herding goats in the afternoon, singing, and doing other normal activities," said the Head of Bulubrangsi Village .

Furthermore, the young doctor Lens Hanis in this activity said, a good support system can be done from small things, for example, such as reminding PLWHA to obey taking medication.

"The aim is to reduce the symptoms that will arise in people with ODGJ and maintain a state of mind through activity indicators, so they don't feel disturbed while carrying out their daily activities, and improve the quality of life for sufferers," he concluded.

Finally, the event was closed by giving basic necessities by LazisMu Lamongan to the ODGJ survivors.