UM Surabaya KIP-K Scholarship Closes August 16, 2022

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya KIP-K Scholarship Closes August 16, 2022
  • 14 Aug
  • 2022

Foto kampus UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya KIP-K Scholarship Closes August 16, 2022

Registration for the KIP-K scholarship at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) has now entered its 3rd batch and will officially close on August 16 2022. This was conveyed directly by vice chancellor 3 Ma'ruf Sya'ban in the fields of innovation, human resources, student affairs and alumni.

Ma'ruf explained that there had indeed been a change in the special registration for the KIP-K scholarship, which originally ended on August 23 and changed to August 16.

"In batch 3 there are hundreds of applicants for the KIP-K scholarship and on August 18 interviews will be held with all applicants," explained Ma'ruf when met in his room.

He invited all outstanding students in Indonesia to be able to make the best use of this scholarship opportunity.

"These four days can be put to good use for prospective students who want to study at UM Surabaya, especially outstanding students from underprivileged families," he added again Friday (12/8/22)

He also explained that the KIP-K scholarship is an educational assistance program from the government through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) for outstanding high school, MA, SMK (equivalent) graduates who come from underprivileged families. This scholarship aims to increase the expansion of access and opportunities in tertiary institutions for students of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) who are economically disadvantaged.

"Currently UM Surabaya has been given full trust by the government, so that all faculties at UM Surabaya can be accessed through the KIP-K scholarship route, except for the Faculty of Medicine (FK)," he stressed again.

Ma'ruf also added that the registration process to uploading the KIP-K UM Surabaya scholarship file was online.

Prospective students can upload the required files starting from semester I-V report cards with a minimum score of 7.5, attach a photo of the condition of the house, attach a KIP card or a certificate of incapacity from the sub-district or village head.

At the end of his presentation, Ma'ruf also added information about scholarships at UM Surabaya. Prospective students can visit the official UM Surabaya website via