Between the U-22 National Team Wins Gold, UM Surabaya Gives a Bonus to Rizky Ridho

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  • Between the U-22 National Team Wins Gold, UM Surabaya Gives a Bonus to Rizky Ridho
Gambar Berita Between the U-22 National Team Wins Gold, UM Surabaya Gives a Bonus to Rizky Ridho
  • 22 May
  • 2023

Foto Rizky Ridho Ramadani saat menerima penghargaan oleh Rektor UM Surabaya (Humas)

Between the U-22 National Team Wins Gold, UM Surabaya Gives a Bonus to Rizky Ridho

Muhamamadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) gave a bonus to Rizky Ridho Ramadani, a UM Surabaya Management Study Program student who had succeeded in becoming a champion in the sport of football in the 2023 Sea Games.

It is known that the success of the U-22 Indonesian Football national team (timnas) defeated Thailand with a landslide score of 5-2 at the 2023 Sea Games in Cambodia ended Indonesia's long wait to become a champion in the Southeast Asian sports event (Sea Games).

Rizky Ridho, the athlete who plays as captain, is a UM Surabaya student who entered through the athlete scholarship route. Ridho was warmly welcomed by university leaders at the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Monday (22/5/23)

In his remarks, Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, said he was extremely proud of UM Surabaya athlete Rizky Ridho who had succeeded in making the university, Muhammadiyah and all Indonesian people proud in the 2023 Sea Games.

"We continue to give bonuses to athletes who have fought at the national and international levels, this is a form of university appreciation for athletes," said Suko.

Suko said the athlete scholarships provided were in the form of waiver of all tuition fees during college. This is the campus' commitment to continue to open opportunities for all students who wish to gain access to education with various backgrounds and professions.

Suko also hopes that what Rizky Ridho has achieved will be followed by other athletes at UM Surabaya and will motivate other athletes to continue to excel.

Meanwhile, Rizky Ridho, a semester 2 student at the Management Study Program, expressed his gratitude to UM Surabaya for providing facilities for athletes and an easy curriculum to make it easier for athletes to study.

"Hopefully in the future I can graduate on time and continue to excel in making my parents, university and all Indonesian people proud," said Ridho.

Rizky Ridho received a bonus prize from UM Surabaya in the form of cash and an award certificate as an outstanding student athlete. Then Ridho also gave a gift to the Chancellor of UM Surabaya in the form of a t-shirt with the name R. Ridho jersey number 5 which he signed directly.