The First Batch of FK UM Surabaya Passed 100% of the Professional Examination and At the same time Achieved the Best National Score

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Gambar Berita The First Batch of FK UM Surabaya Passed 100% of the Professional Examination and At the same time Achieved the Best National Score
  • 16 Dec
  • 2022

Foto angkatan pertama mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) UM Surabaya bersama dosen (Humas)

The First Batch of FK UM Surabaya Passed 100% of the Professional Examination and At the same time Achieved the Best National Score

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UMSurabaya) managed to make another achievement. The first batch of 2016 students managed to pass 100% in the November 2022 November 2022 Medical Professional Program Student Competency Examination. Not only that, UMSurabaya FK students also won the best national scores. In this achievement, the UMSurabaya Faculty of Medicine ranks second out of the PTN/PTS Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia.

Deputy Dean 1 of the UMSurabaya FK Muhammad Anas said the achievements achieved by the first batch of UMSurabaya FK were the result of hard work, smart work of all the teams in the FK and Teaching Hospital (RSP).

"Surely this is an honor that we should be grateful for and we will continue to improve. The first batch of UMSurabaya FK graduates were able to prove and clearly inspire their juniors," Anas said Thursday (12/15/22)

Anas said the students who took the UKMPPD test were the Class of 2016 with a total of 23 students.

He said that to achieve maximum results the UMSurabaya and RSP FK teams had made various efforts starting from preparing coaching for each clinical round/rotation, internal tests, external benchmarking tests to tryouts by the Association of Medical and Health Education (APKKM) and the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI). ).

Anas hopes that students who have completed the UKMPPD test can immediately complete the doctor internship program managed by the Indonesian Doctor Internship Committee (KIDI) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), then continue to become independent doctors.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UMSurabaya Sukadiono said the exam was aimed at maintaining the quality of medical education graduates in Indonesia.

"As the head of the university, I congratulate you on the proud achievement achieved by the first Batch of UMSurabaya Medical Faculty, this is one of the proofs that UMSurabaya Faculty of Medicine graduates are indeed qualified," said Suko.

Suko, who is also a doctor, said that holding UKMPPD was a must to realize excellent health services. In addition, he said that this competency test was an effort to protect the government for the community.

He advised UMSurabaya Medical Faculty students who had taken the exam to be serious in carrying out their profession as doctors.

"Through this UKMPPD I hope that there will be many graduates of future doctors as the backbone of health services in Indonesia, especially UMSurabaya FK alumni," concluded Suko.