Angkat Tema Lokalitas, Gender dan Desa Wisata, KKN UM Surabaya Terinspirasi Film KKN Desa Penari

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Gambar Berita Angkat Tema Lokalitas, Gender dan Desa Wisata, KKN UM Surabaya Terinspirasi Film KKN Desa Penari
  • 20 Jul
  • 2022

Foto pemotongan tumpeng hasil bumi saat pelepasan KKN UM Surabaya oleh Rektor UM Surabaya dan Pemprov Jatim (Dok: Humas)

Angkat Tema Lokalitas, Gender dan Desa Wisata, KKN UM Surabaya Terinspirasi Film KKN Desa Penari

The film KKN Di Desa Penari recently succeeded in becoming the highest-grossing Indonesian horror film of all time. This film managed to reach 9.3 million viewers since its premiere on April 30, 2022.

This figure is comparable to the quality of the KKN film in the Dancer Village, which comes with eye-pleasing visuals, strong horror terror, actors and actresses with high flying hours, and many moral messages to get from the film.

The number of messages that can be taken from the film attracted the attention of KKN UM Surabaya to take several themes such as those in the horror film.

Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, explained that 2022 will take the big theme "Rise and Work Towards an Empowered Society".

"Apart from educational and economic problems, in the implementation of this KKN we also carry out various programs to solve the problem of stunting, especially in East Java the stunting rate is still high," explained Suko.

He hoped that the UM Surabaya KKN students who were released today would make a major contribution in post-pandemic society, especially real ideas to help the community in solving various problems.

Suko also added that this year's UM Surabaya KKN was spread across Papua, Makassar and 6 regencies in East Java including Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Jombang, Lumajang and Pamekasan with a total of 1,026 students.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Dede Nasrullah explained that the theme raised was inspired by KKN in the Penari Village which eventually gave birth to an idea that linked the student KKN program to the themes of locality, gender and tourist villages.

"Actually there are not only 3, this year's Community Service Program has 9 themes focused on activities and all of them are crucial problems in the community," explained Dede Wednesday (20/7/22)

The 9 themes include educational innovation, stunting eradication and prevention, access to population identity, literacy development, tourism villages (development and exploration), assistance to migrant workers, economic assistance and the coastal environment, application of Technology Innovation (TTG) and the anti-corruption movement.

“Many people are looking for localities in the film Desa Penari, one of which is Rowo Bayu, which is currently a tourist village. That is also one that inspires, “he added again.

According to Dede, tourism villages have now become an alternative in local economic development which is implemented in various regions.

“Traveling in villages has now become a separate choice for tourists. Tourists like tourist attractions in the village that not only present their natural beauty but can also interact with local people," he said.

He really hopes that the implementation of this KKN can carry out the development and exploration of natural resources in an area so that it can become a tourist destination that absorbs tourists.

Not only that, Dede also advised hundreds of students who took part in this year's KKN to maintain their attitude, especially respecting customs in an area, mingle with the surrounding community, and be united with fellow groups.

"It is important that as immigrants we appreciate and respect every custom that is upheld in each region, don't let the story in the film KKN Desa Penari happen at KKN UM Surabaya because of problems with customs," said Dede.