8 years as Marbot of the Mosque, this UM Surabaya graduate is now a school principal and has won many awards

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  • 8 years as Marbot of the Mosque, this UM Surabaya graduate is now a school principal and has won many awards
Gambar Berita 8 years as Marbot of the Mosque, this UM Surabaya graduate is now a school principal and has won many awards
  • 31 Oct
  • 2022

Foto Munahar Wisudawan UM Surabaya (Humas)

8 years as Marbot of the Mosque, this UM Surabaya graduate is now a school principal and has won many awards

Poverty as well as economic limitations did not prevent Munahar from pursuing knowledge. One of the UM Surabaya Postgraduate graduates who used to be the Marbot of the mosque for 8 years is now the Principal of one of the best private schools in Surabaya.

Munahar completed his Postgraduate studies at UM Surabaya majoring in Islamic Religious Education. Being born of 5 siblings with economic limitations teaches him that he has to endure fighting for his dreams so that they can stay afloat.

“So my father and mother are agricultural laborers, they don't have rice fields either. But he insisted that all of his children go to school up to Bachelor's degree. Even though many mocked at that time, ladies and gentlemen continued to support them," said Munahar.

According to his explanation, after graduating from the MA in Bojonegoro he was determined to go to Surabaya to continue his studies at UM Surabaya majoring in Ahwal Alsyakhsiyyah. During his time as a student he lived at the Al Huda Sidosermo Mosque.

"About 8 years I became a marbot, but also became an imam as well as a muezzin and taught TPQ," recalled Munahar.

Meanwhile, to get additional knowledge, he has to go to the city library every day by riding an ontel bicycle. This he did for 4 years.

After graduating from UM Surabaya, he did not immediately become a teacher, but he became an extracurricular teacher, librarian and editor-in-chief. From 2004 to 2011 Munahar became a teacher at Muhammadiyah 6 Gadung Elementary School and was appointed Principal of the School in 2018 until now.

Thanks to his leadership and brilliant ideas, SD Muhammadiyah 6 Gadung which he led became a reference school and he often received awards, one of which was the Principal who initiated the Quranic and international insight school.

Not only that, Munahar is also known as the initiator of the Qori' Muhammadiyah school in the city of Surabaya, the initiator of students care, the initiator of lazismu kids, the drafter and author of the leader of the slanting sandals book.

Munahar explained that the Qur'anic and international insight that his school carries is the spirit for the entire extended family of SD Muhamamdiyah 6 Gadung to create a Quranic generation that thinks, speaks, behaves, achieves and has faith in accordance with the values of the Koran and has broad insights.

"This is to create the best generation, classy and worldwide," he said.

In carrying out his life, Munahar has the principle that whatever mandate is given, do it seriously. Because all difficulties will find a way because Allah is the best helper.