5 UM Surabaya Students Wholesale Champion in the PIMTANAS Event

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Gambar Berita 5 UM Surabaya Students Wholesale Champion in the PIMTANAS Event
  • 02 Jan
  • 2023

Foto poster 5 mahasiswa UM Surabaya raih juara di ajang PIMTANAS (Humas)

5 UM Surabaya Students Wholesale Champion in the PIMTANAS Event

Five students of University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) managed to win 5 winners at the National Private Higher Education Scientific Week (PIMTANAS) Student Creativity Program (PKM) event organized by the Muhammadiyah Higher Education Student Achievement Center (Puspresma PTMA).

In this prestigious event, five UM Surabaya students won 3 categories, namely the poster category, the PKM PM presentation category and the Exact Research category.

In the poster category Malika Ilma Alkautsar (S1 Pharmacy) won 2nd place in PKM RE, Dela Tamara Agustin (S1 Management) won 3rd place in the PKM K poster. In the PKM PM Presentation category, Nurusy Syahrotir Rohmah (S1 Mathematics Education) won 3rd place and Fira Surmawati Moh. Saleh (S1 Mathematics Education) won the first prize. While the PKM Exact Research category was won by Malika Ilma Al Kautsar (S1 Pharmacy) and 3rd place won by Tazkia Fauziatus Sa'adah (S1 Pharmacy)

Meanwhile, in a written statement, Nurusy Syahrotir Rohmah won the PKM Community Service (PM) in the form of Engklek's Smart Card-based ethnomathematics learning media based on Augmented Reality for mentally retarded students at SDLB/C AKW Kumara II Surabaya.

The student from Gresik said that the Engklek's Smart Card learning media that he made did not stop at this stage, but needed further development to perfect the media and needed support from all parties, both the government and society.

"I really hope that Engklek's Smart Card learning media can be used by mentally retarded students throughout Indonesia in the future," said Nurus Monday (2/1/23)

In addition, he also hopes that the media he makes will educate parents of mentally retarded children about appropriate methods of learning mathematics and produce innovative mathematics learning media for mentally retarded children that can support the learning process.

Meanwhile, UM Surabaya Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI) Head Junaidi Fery Efendi said the achievements achieved by 5 UM Surabaya students were extraordinary year-end achievements and would continue to be improved in the future.

"Thank God for the achievements achieved, because apart from the rigorous selection process, this event was also attended by all Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) throughout Indonesia," he said.

He hopes that the ideas or products produced by UM Surabaya students will not stop at competitions but can continue to develop further so that they can be more useful in many fields.

"Hopefully in the future there will be more ideas, innovative products produced by UM Surabaya students to solve problems, one of which is in the field of education," he concluded.