48 Athletes Who Became Students of UM Surabaya, Starting from the East Java Spiderman to the Captain of the Indonesian National Team

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Gambar Berita 48 Athletes Who Became Students of UM Surabaya, Starting from the East Java Spiderman to the Captain of the Indonesian National Team
  • 22 Jun
  • 2023

Foto Atlet Sepak Bola sekaligus Atlet UM Surabaya (Humas)

48 Athletes Who Became Students of UM Surabaya, Starting from the East Java Spiderman to the Captain of the Indonesian National Team

Not only known as the Campus of a Million Innovations, UM Surabaya is also known as the campus of athletes. As many as 48 athletes from various sports are studying at UM Surabaya, some of them have even graduated and held graduation.

As a tertiary institution that cares about the education of athletes, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) consistently opens athlete scholarship opportunities for all athletes in Indonesia from year to year. This was done as a form of appreciation as well as university pride for athletes from various sports in Indonesia.

As recipients of athlete scholarships who are exempt from full tuition fees, UM Surabaya athletes must be able to contribute at the regional, national and international levels. There is no need to worry about academic issues, because athlete students at UM Surabaya are prioritized for having non-academic achievements in each semester.

According to data released by the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI), there were 48 athletes who became students (UM Surabaya) who came from different regions. Of course also from different faculties and departments. The 48 athletes have succeeded in making many achievements in the national and international arena. The 48 athletes consist of Rock Climbing, Silat, Boxing, Jujitsu, Soccer, Futsal, Hockey, Karate, E-sport, Badminton, Amputation Football, Swimming to Rowing.

Here are the names of the 48 athletes who became UM Surabaya students:

1. Football Athlete

Rizky Ridho Ramadhani (Management), Alwi Slamat (Management) Muhammad Hidayat (Management), Koko Ari Araya (Management), Andre Oktaviansyah (Management), Kasim Botan (Islamic Religious Education) and Muhamamad Iqbal (Psychology)

It is known that Rizky Ridho Ramadhani is the captain of the Indonesian national team who is the pride of Surabaya and all the Indonesian people, while another athlete is the pride of the Suroboyo youth, namely Persebaya Surabaya. Alwi, who is a TNI soldier, now plays as a midfielder. All of them became the main idols of the Persebaya fans.

2. Rock Climbing Athlete

Rahmad Adi Mulyono, Kharisma Ragil Rakasiwi, Choirul Umi Chyaning Ayub, Eka Dian Krismawati, Misbaqul Ulum, Alamsyah Cahya Cakradiningra, Febrian Bimantara, Pradeva Adelia, Jennifer Angelica Rossy Que, Moch Rizky Samudra Dewanta. Of the eleven rock climbing athletes, 10 of them are in the S1 Management major and 1 is in the Electrical Engineering S1 major.

Rahmad Adi Mulyono is currently nicknamed the East Java Spiderman because of the many achievements he has achieved, both at the national and international levels. Rahmad Adi Mulyono is known as the East Java Spiderman because of the many achievements he has achieved. Some of them are PON Papua athletes who have won gold medals. The most recent is the success of Rahmad Adi and Kharisma Ragil representing Indonesia and contributing gold medals in a prestigious international event, namely the ASEAN University Games.

3. Jujitsu athlete

Galang Akbar Dewantara (Management), Muhamad Galang Eka Saputra (Management), Muhammad Faisal Hasim,(Management) Arin Vevi Putri Ayu Hermawan (Legal Science), Aisa Putri Rahmawati (Accounting), Nahrisyah (Legal Science), Aida Siti Nur Halizah ( Accounting), Ardita Apriani Wibowo (Mathematics Education), Dzakwan Ulhaq Whindayana (Shipping Engineering), Fella Suffa Aprillia Ardhana (Legal Science).

UM Surabaya Jujitsu athletes have succeeded in donating 7 medals at the Kejurprov event which was held at the Widya Kartika building. This event was attended by hundreds of athletes from various regions in East Java. Currently Jujitsu athletes are preparing for the upcoming Porprov.

4. Silat athlete

There are many silat athletes studying at UM Surabaya, some of whom have graduated and held graduation. Currently there are Fathur Rozi Farori (S1 Management), Afisina Rounaqi (Sharia Banking), Dimas Aditya Syaukani (S1 Psychology) as martial arts athletes.

At the end of December, Tapak Suci Athletes of UM Surabaya managed to win in various categories at the Airlangga Championship Tapak Suci International Virtual Open 2021 which was held online on 8-12 November 2021. UM Surabaya athletes won 1 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze

5. Karate athlete

Gaby Dara Ayu Salsabilah, Steven Alfred Ora, and Sisilia Agustiani Ora. Of these three athletes, 2 of them are majoring in S1 Management and 1 in S1 Psychology.

UM Surabaya karate athletes have also won medals in the Papua PON competition representing East Java. Not only that, they also won 3rd place in West Java PRAPON 2019.

6. Futsal athletes

Samuel Eko Putra Tambubolon and Hilmy Razan Priyadi. Both are Surabaya East Star (BTS) players. Arek Suroboyo's pride futsal team. This team has won a prestigious title, namely the 2021 Professional Futsal League Champion.

Of the two players, Samuel Eko is the pride of the Indonesian Futsal National Team (Timnas).Both are Management Study Program students.

7. Hockey athlete

Kautsar Rafi Syadidan

The university's proud athlete has won 2nd place in Sports Hockey and won a medal in the indoor category at Porprov VII.

8. Athlete Swimming

Muchammad Pramudya Gandhi.

This young athlete is a talented athlete who is predicted and prepared to take part in the competition in 2023.

9. E-Sport Athlete

Ahmad Syaifudin and Arief Budi Kurniawan are athletes

E-sports or electronic sports are currently in great demand by many groups. Every time there is a competition, devotees line up from teenagers to adults. Even from playing this game you can get quite a lot of money.

One athlete who has made many achievements is Arif Budi Kurniawan. Arif, who is now a member of Dewa United E-Sport, is a UM Surabaya student who has made achievements in several tournaments.

Among them are: 1st place in AYLA in Jakarta, 1st place in AYLA Qualification in Yogyakarta, 1st place in ASL Series B, 1st place in the Kelabang Cup, 1st place in the Vindex Cup, 6th place in AOV Star League, 3rd place in AOV Star League, and 2nd place in DG WIB .

10. Rowing Athlete

Fauzia Adji Fahrani

UM Surabaya Rowing Athletes won 3rd Place in West Java 2019 PRAPON, 2016 West Java 500m PON Champion, 2016 West Java 1000m PON Champion

These 37 athletes from 10 different sports are the pride of UMSurabaya and Indonesia. They have all made many achievements in national and international championships.

11. Amputee Football Athlete

Fredo Dimas Saputro (Legal Science) and Khusnul Yakin (S1 Law Science). Fredo Dimas Saputro, an athlete from Pasuruan, once won the runner up achievement in the Asian Cup Qualification football tournament championship in Bangladesh, this is what will lead him to represent Indonesia at the World Cup championship in Turkey last October.

Meanwhile, Khusnul Yakin is a football athlete from Surabaya, he managed to qualify to represent the Indonesian National Team (Timnas) to compete in the Amputation Football World Cup in Turkey in October 2022.

12. Badminton athletes

At this time there are 3 swimming athletes who are studying at UM Surabaya including: Louis Menico (S1 in Law), Satriya Prayu Nakula Putra (S1 in Law) and Bintang Arsy Athallah (S1 in Psychology).

13. Boxing athlete

Briant Jovanno Yusrial, who is a boxing athlete, is a student (S1 Psychology) of UM Surabaya.

14. Archery Athlete

Currently, there is one archery athlete who is currently studying at UM Surabaya, namely Iqbal Bagaswara. Iqbal majored (S1 Management)