34 UM Surabaya Students Pass the Spiring Virtual Exchange Program at Asia University Taiwan

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  • 34 UM Surabaya Students Pass the Spiring Virtual Exchange Program at Asia University Taiwan
Gambar Berita 34 UM Surabaya Students Pass the Spiring Virtual Exchange Program at Asia University Taiwan
  • 21 Jan
  • 2022

Foto ilustrasi mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas UM Surabaya)

34 UM Surabaya Students Pass the Spiring Virtual Exchange Program at Asia University Taiwan

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students have made another proud achievement by passing the 2022 Spiring Semester Virtual Exchange Program held by Asia University Taiwan. Friday (21/1/22)

The 34 students who passed included Aura Alifia Kamilla Pasha, M.Ibrahim Akbar, Nur Laily Widhiyanti, Yanuar Ramadhana (Faculty of Law) Sheabi Astiya (Islamic Family Law Study Program) M Haris Zuhud (Sharia Banking) Azmi Izzudi (Faculty of Islamic Religion) Ahmad Vawaid Sulthon , Alfito Deanovall, Aviani Yuwanita, Avionilla Tajkia, Bonifacius David, Dinda Novanti, Dizzy Vreda, Firly Nabita, Fitria Wulandari, Jashinta Andriani, Novita Nida Azzahra, Nur Ilah Soviyanti, Safira Salsabila, Salsabil Labibah, Sindi Novelia, Sisca Sulistianingtyas (Faculty of Teaching and Education), Sheilla Annisa Audia Rahma, Adicitra Auriel Bestari, Desi Arsitawati (Faculty of Health Sciences), Achmad Syauqi (Electrical Engineering) Alvia Poppy Nurjayanti (Management), Amelia Hoirotus (Psychology) Andas Nidaaa'an (PGSD), Ichlasul Amalia (Physiotherapy), Nur Novitasari (Accounting Study Program) and Titis Hidayatul Lail (PG PAUD)

The Head of the UM Surabaya Office of International Affairs and Cooperation (KUIK) Pramudana Ihsan explained that the Virtual Exchange Program is a form of collaboration that facilitates students from various world universities to take part in intensive learning.

“Selected students can study the various disciplines offered, such as health and medical science, computer science and education science, creative design, management, humanities and social sciences. This program is scheduled to start on February 14-June 18 2022," said Pram in a written statement.

Pram also added that the selection process was challenging and quite rigorous. Thankfully, 34 UM Surabaya students managed to represent the campus and study at one of the best universities in Taiwan.

"I hope students who get the opportunity to study can make the best use of this as a process of self-development on overseas campuses. In the future we will be more focused and continue to be committed so that more students pass and are accepted," added Pram.

Meanwhile, Mochammad Haris Zuhud, one of the participants who passed, expressed his emotion at having passed the Spiring Semester 2022 Virtual Exchange Program.

“Grateful to pass this prestigious program, to be honest, this is part of my dream. I will use this golden opportunity to the best of my ability to explore the scientific field that I am studying,” said Haris.

In a written statement, Haris also thanked the lecturers who had guided them from the start of registration to passing the selection.