15 UM Surabaya Students Ready to Introduce Indonesian Culture at the 2022 Singapore from Your Home International Event

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Gambar Berita 15 UM Surabaya Students Ready to Introduce Indonesian Culture at the 2022 Singapore from Your Home International Event
  • 17 Jun
  • 2022

Ilustrasi foto mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

15 UM Surabaya Students Ready to Introduce Indonesian Culture at the 2022 Singapore from Your Home International Event

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students made another proud achievement by passing the International Singapore from Your Home 2022: Culture Exchange Party program on Thursday (16/6/22)

The 15 students who passed included 9 English Education students Inge Maretta, Dizzy Vreda Rachmaneta, Aidah Nur Aini, Jashinta Andriani Putri, Nur Ilah Soviyanti, Safira Salzabila, Avionilla Tajkia, Fadiya Rosa, Tahmida Ihszia Rahmah and Syahroni Mustaqim. Rizkiadi (Information Engineering), Taninda Mey Tantika (Indonesian Language and Literature Education), Aqui Ramhadania Salsabila Nafacilano (Nursing), Calvin Akbar Firdaus (Shipping Engineering) and Yanuar Friendly Fadhila (Legal Studies)

Head of the UM Surabaya Office of International Affairs and Cooperation (KUIK) Pramudana Ihsan explained that UM Surabaya students are ready to introduce Indonesian culture at the International Singapore From Your Home 2022 event. According to him this activity is a form of collaboration that facilitates students from various world universities to introduce their respective cultures. -respectively.

"The 15 students selected from various disciplines will introduce Indonesia's cultural diversity for two days, 24-27 June," said Pram Friday (17/6/22)

According to Pram, Indonesia has a diverse cultural heritage that can be introduced on the world stage, such as batik, dance, special foods, languages, wayang arts, gamelan and so on.

Pram also added that to be able to take part in this event, students went through a selection process starting from recommendations from study programs and demonstrating English language skills.

"I hope students who get the opportunity to study can make the best use of this as a process of self-development on overseas campuses. In the future we will be more focused and continue to be committed so that more students pass and are accepted," added Pram.

Meanwhile, Taninda Mey Tantika, one of the participants who passed, expressed her emotion at having passed this prestigious program. He said he would make the most of this opportunity.

“Grateful to pass the program, to be honest, this is my dream. I will use this golden opportunity to the best of my ability to learn the language and introduce Indonesian culture," said Tantika
In a written statement, Tantika also expressed her gratitude to the lecturers who have guided her from the start of registration to passing the selection." Tantika said

In a written statement, Tantika also thanked the lecturers who had guided them from the start of registration to passing the selection.