Study Program S1 Electrical Engineering

Study Program S1 Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya equips students with the scientific skills of Electrical Engineering with various scientific concentrations including Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Software Engineering and Network


The Electrical Engineering Study Program is intended for students who have an interest in the field of electricity utilization for people's lives, which includes the concept, planning, development and production of the required electrical and electronic equipment, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The curriculum used is compiled and evaluated regularly based on the progress of the world of technology, taking into account input from the industrial world and standards issued by the Indonesian Electrical Engineering Higher Education Forum (FORTEI), where electrical engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya is one of the active members of the organization. . Thus, it is our great hope that alumni will be ready to compete in the industrial world, both as engineers, technocrats and entrepreneurs according to their areas of expertise.

Career Prospects

Electrical engineering graduates can work in a variety of industrial fields. Starting from as a communications technician, sonar and radar technician, network system specialist to robotic expert. In addition, there are also opportunities to work in the telecommunications, manufacturing, power generation, IT to mining and oil industries.

Foto Study Program S1 Electrical Engineering


  • Akreditasi B