Study Program S1 Medical Education

Study Program S1 Medical Education

The Medical Education Study Program is one of the study programs that always has a lot of demand every year. In this study program you will study medical science, how to maintain health, prevention and treatment of disease.


The Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) according to SKDI which is applicable nationally combined with Problem-Based Learning (BBM) or Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategies makes graduates of the UGM Medical Study Program have competence with international standards as general practitioners. This study program equips students with special skills (soft skills) for multi-professional collaboration in field learning activities in the community with a sustainable curriculum. Graduates of this study program are able to overcome public health problems they face through the application of knowledge and skills acquired during their education.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this study program have the opportunity to work in hospitals, both government and private hospitals, as well as government agencies such as the Ministry of Health, the TNI, the Police or have careers as lecturers, researchers in the government and private sectors, or work independently as clinicians. Graduates of this study program can also become health problem consultants at local, national and international levels.

Foto Study Program S1 Medical Education


  • Akreditasi B