Study Program S1 Bachelor of Religion Studies

Study Program S1 Bachelor of Religion Studies

In the study of religions or comparative religions, the researcher studying that science has no explicit obligation to compare one religion with another or to look for similarities or differences between these religions.


Study Program of Religions (Ushuluddin) UM Surabaya Has A Long History And Has Produced Cadres Of The Nation And Organizations. In Facing This Global Era, Study Program of Religions (Ushuluddin) Must Become Agents of Peace in Society, Especially in Indonesia, which Has a Diversity of Beliefs and Cultures. The Values of Peace Must Continue To Be Developed And Disseminated To The Community. The Study Program of Religions (Ushuluddin) in this case makes its study materials develop towards exploring the moral and spiritual values of the religions being dialogued with. The Study Developed Must Be Able To Raise The Moral Values Of Each Religion Being Studied.

Career Prospects

The study of religions is a study program with graduates' profiles as Religious Counselors, Consultants for Religious Harmony, Managers of Religious Institutions, Researchers in the Study of Religions.

Foto Study Program S1 Bachelor of Religion Studies


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