Study Program S1 Bachelor of Islamic Family Law

Study Program S1 Bachelor of Islamic Family Law

Islamic Family Law is a department that deals with family law based on Islamic principles, including marriage law, divorce law, human rights, inheritance law and how these laws can be adapted to developments.


In this HKI Study Program, friends will learn about the foundations of Islamic law and Islamic family law. Apart from that, friends will also be guided in exploring various issues and global discourse regarding Islamic family law and Islamic law. Most importantly, friends are also trained intensively and continuously on traditions and literacy skills, as well as critical thinking. Those are two very valuable capitals that have led friends to become outstanding students at various levels (regional, national and global). Comrades are also given the opportunity to take part in various scientific competitions at various levels. In addition, there are various opportunities and facilities for supervision (guidance) to win "Student Exchange" scholarships at various leading campuses in the world. For fellow students who are involved in various scientific research activities and publish their work in the form of a reputable national journal, they will be exempt from the thesis program.

Career Prospects

Islamic family law is a Study Program with graduate profiles as Judges, Registrars, Advocates, Penghulu, Sakinah Family Consultants strengthened by the competency of Islamic Law Methodology. Besides that, graduates also have competence in Ketarjihan and the field of Astronomy.

Foto Study Program S1 Bachelor of Islamic Family Law


  • Akreditasi B