
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya FAI Lecturer; This is the practice of the last 10 days of Ramadan according to the Prophet
  • 27 Apr
  • 2022

UM Surabaya FAI Lecturer; This is the practice of the last 10 days of Ramadan according to the Prophet

It doesn't feel like we have entered the end of the month of Ramadan. The journey of life that continues to pass has made Ramadan feel so fast. There is anxiety about the fear that the deeds of wor [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer, Long Distance Homecoming; Microsleep alert
  • 25 Apr
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer, Long Distance Homecoming; Microsleep alert

After being delayed for 2 years, the atmosphere of this year's Eid is quite different, the government in 2022 has issued permits for people who want to celebrate Eid in their hometown. This Lebaran [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer; Do These 5 Things To Keep Your Heart Healthy While Fasting
  • 22 Apr
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer; Do These 5 Things To Keep Your Heart Healthy While Fasting

Maintaining heart health needs to be strived for at all times, including during the fasting month of Ramadan. Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya Fatin Lailatul Badriyah ga [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Fasting Tips for the Elderly
  • 19 Apr
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Fasting Tips for the Elderly

Every Muslim in the month of Ramadan is required to fast whether male or female. Some groups that are allowed not to fast are travelers or someone on a trip, pregnant women, nursing mothers, the el [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Why Racism Often Occurs in Our Public Spaces, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 17 Apr
  • 2022

Why Racism Often Occurs in Our Public Spaces, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

The International Youth Championship (IYC) match at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) in the Atletico Madrid U18 match against Bali United U18 was marked by acts of racism to sexism from the [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Fasting for Breastfeeding Mothers So Breast Milk Continues Smoothly
  • 14 Apr
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Fasting for Breastfeeding Mothers So Breast Milk Continues Smoothly

Islam provides waivers for nursing mothers not to fast. However, breastfeeding mothers who want to fast need to pay attention to a number of things, such as babies who are more than 6 months old. [Read More]