
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Nutritionist Emphasizes the Importance of Breakfast for Body Health
  • 25 Jul
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Nutritionist Emphasizes the Importance of Breakfast for Body Health

Breakfast is a meal that is often neglected for most people. There are various reasons for skipping breakfast, from not having time to not being used to having breakfast. In fact, there are many be [Read More]
Gambar Artikel The Virtue of Reading Al-Qur'an Every Day According to the Prophet
  • 22 Jul
  • 2022

The Virtue of Reading Al-Qur'an Every Day According to the Prophet

Al-Qur'an is the main holy book in Islam, every Muslim, believes that Al-Quran is his way of life. Muslims believe that the Al-Quran was revealed by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Every Mus [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Avoid This When Looking for a Job
  • 21 Jul
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer: Avoid This When Looking for a Job

Getting a well-established job in today's era is not easy. The small number of jobs is inversely proportional to the increasing number of job seekers or job seekers. This causes more and more unemp [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Overwork Triggers Burnout, Here's How to Overcome It
  • 20 Jul
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer: Overwork Triggers Burnout, Here's How to Overcome It

Everyone will try their best to be able to complete the targets that are their responsibility at work. However, this maximum effort unknowingly often appears in the form of overwork.Not infr [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Expert Describes the Dangers of Staying Up Late and Their Impact on Health
  • 19 Jul
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Expert Describes the Dangers of Staying Up Late and Their Impact on Health

Drowsiness is one of the most common effects of staying up late. After staying up late someone will often yawn and feel tired. However, not only that, the effects of staying up late can cause distu [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Drinking Tea Too Often After Meals Triggers Excess Stomach Acid Production
  • 19 Jul
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer: Drinking Tea Too Often After Meals Triggers Excess Stomach Acid Production

The habit of drinking lemongrass after eating is much loved by everyone. Even though tea has a lower caffeine content than coffee, if it is consumed continuously and in excess it will cause some ne [Read More]