
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Financial Management for New Students
  • 12 Sep
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Financial Management for New Students

Being a freshman is a transition to true maturity. Especially for students who originally came from villages and migrated to cities far from their parents, so students are required to be independen [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Is it true that consumption of peanuts triggers facial acne? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya
  • 11 Sep
  • 2022

Is it true that consumption of peanuts triggers facial acne? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

There are several suspected reasons for claims that eating peanuts causes facial acne. One of them, is the activity of the digestive system after consuming these foods. Nuts contain high fat and pr [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya: Begini Tips Mengelola Keuangan Setelah Gajian
  • 09 Sep
  • 2022

Dosen UM Surabaya: Begini Tips Mengelola Keuangan Setelah Gajian

Everyone will be happy when payday arrives, especially if there were lots of expenses in the previous month. Everyone is anticipating the arrival of payday. Just don't let bad management habits hav [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Many DPR Candidates Can Register for the 2024 Election Without SKCK, This is the Response of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert
  • 08 Sep
  • 2022

Many DPR Candidates Can Register for the 2024 Election Without SKCK, This is the Response of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert

Crowded on social media about the requirements for registering a candidate for the People's Representative Council (DPR) in the 2024 Election, it is not mandatory to include a police record certifi [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Is How Personal Data Doesn't Leak on the Internet
  • 08 Sep
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Is How Personal Data Doesn't Leak on the Internet

Recently, there have been many cases of data leakage that have occurred in Indonesia. Because of that it is important for us to be more sensitive and protect sensitive data so that it is not spread [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Fuel Prices Rise, Economic Expert at UM Surabaya: This Impacts the Middle and Lower Communities
  • 06 Sep
  • 2022

Fuel Prices Rise, Economic Expert at UM Surabaya: This Impacts the Middle and Lower Communities

Saturday 3 September 2022, the government officially raised the price of fuel (fuel oil) or removed fuel subsidies. Various responses to the increase in fuel prices in previous discussions did not [Read More]