In this digital era, most of the activities of children and adolescents cannot be separated from gadgets and the internet. Apart from having special sites that provide a lot of vulgar content, vari [Read More]
The hectic adoption of spirit dolls or spirit dolls has recently become an interesting conversation for many people. Some celebrities treat spirit dolls like real children by being given nice cloth [Read More]
Apart from the danger of being swept away by the current, the danger of several diseases also lurk when we swim in the river. In addition to skin problems such as itching and red spots on the skin. [Read More]
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya held the 1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research (MiCon) on 15-16 December 2021. Arin Setyowati Lecturer in the Syari'ah Bankin [Read More]