Viral Women in Makassar Married Fake Police, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Do These 4 Things Before Choosing a Partner

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Gambar Artikel Viral Women in Makassar Married Fake Police, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Do These 4 Things Before Choosing a Partner
  • 28 Feb
  • 2023

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Viral Women in Makassar Married Fake Police, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Do These 4 Things Before Choosing a Partner

A few days ago the public was shocked by the virality of a wife who felt cheated by her husband's work for 5 years. A man with the initials HR (30 years) was arrested by the police after admitting he was a member of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Mobile Brigade.

The man who has claimed to be a member of the Mobile Brigade Police in South Sulawesi has apparently been carrying out the action for 5 years. The disclosure of HR's disguise was discovered after his wife became suspicious of her husband's behavior, who did not act like a member of the National Police.

So how do you choose a partner before marriage so that someone is not deceived on social media or anything else?

Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya, M Febriyanto Firman Wijaya shared a number of tips for young people before choosing a partner.

According to Riyan, the first thing to look at is personality and family relationships. In general, when someone is being courted, the feeling of falling in love is passionate, but it is necessary to limit these feelings before knowing about the personality of a potential partner.

“It needs to be seen in detail starting from behavior, attitude and personality every day. And most importantly how he treats, responds when talking or discussing, even the reactions or emotions he shows, "said Riyan Tuesday (28/2/23)

In addition, the relationship between families is also something that really needs to be considered, as one of the indicators of the family that will be passed, family relationships with the chosen partner are like the saying "the fruit is not far from the tree", this makes one have to selectively choose a partner.

Second, don't easily give out personal information. When you just meet someone, especially in cyberspace, don't give personal information too easily. Because it will boomerang when the relationship doesn't get to the altar.

Third, don't be easily tempted by sweet persuasion or temptation. Often words of praise, flattery and flattery can make someone flattered, but you need to be careful because it is one of the ways you use it to get attention.

"Especially when someone gets to know them through social media, you need to be careful because you don't know them clearly and personally, so you have to be more careful," added Riyan.

Third, tell the relationship to the closest and trusted person. Tell openly about relationships with people who are close to you, to family, friends or people you trust to provide advice regarding relationships, as well as views on someone you know. This can keep bad things from happening.

Fourth, pay attention to strictness to God Almighty. One that must be checked and must be studied is about obedience in worshiping God Almighty, as a basis for instilling moral and moral values will appear and you can see the piety of the worship.

"From these four things, at least we can prevent fraud and information lies from the partner we will choose as a life partner," said Riyan.