Viral Faces of Charred Gegara Skincare Bermerkuri Women, Lecturers of FK UM Surabaya Give Responses

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Gambar Artikel Viral Faces of Charred Gegara Skincare Bermerkuri Women, Lecturers of FK UM Surabaya Give Responses
  • 18 Jul
  • 2023

Kisah Nur Sha, wajahnya terdampak krim diduga mengandung merkuri (Instagram @nurnnyas)

Viral Faces of Charred Gegara Skincare Bermerkuri Women, Lecturers of FK UM Surabaya Give Responses

Social media was shocked by the viral news of a woman in East Kalimantan named Tya who experienced a burnt facial skin color. This condition was because Tya admitted that she had stopped using face cream products that contained mercury. Spots that were initially only on part of the face, then spread to all parts of the face.

Neny Triastuti, a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya, who is also a Beauty Doctor, responded to the busy case. Neny said that mercury is very popular in whitening products, because of its ability to inhibit the formation of melanin, so that the skin looks brighter and shines in a very short time.

 "Mercury itself is a very dangerous thing and you should be careful about its use," said Neny Tuesday (18/7/23)

In her statement, Neny explained six dangers of mercury content in cosmetics.

First, it can cause damage to the digestive system, nerves and kidneys. Neny said, mercury is corrosive to the skin. Applying cosmetics containing mercury continuously will make the skin thinner and cause damage to the skin and health.

"Mercury can penetrate the skin quickly and high exposure to mercury can actually cause damage to the digestive tract, nervous system and kidneys," he added.

Second, it causes reduced brain function. In addition to body health, the dangers of mercury metal also cause reduced brain function in the wearer's body. Even worse, mercury can cause the brain in the body to not function properly.

According to him, this can happen if the food consumed is contaminated with mercury metal and someone often consumes this food. It's best to be careful when consuming a food, don't forget to pay attention to the cleanliness and quality of the food.

Third, it can slow down the growth of the fetus. The use of cosmetics in pregnant women should be reduced or pay attention to the ingredients of the cosmetics used. Because, there are many impacts caused by mercury for fetal growth. Too often exposure to mercury content in fact makes the fetus slow in growth and development.

"Even the worst, mercury content can cause miscarriage in pregnant women. It is better for pregnant women to use natural ingredients to treat healthy skin or face, so that both mother and baby stay healthy," he stressed.

Fourth, it makes the skin paler and has spots. The use of cosmetics containing mercury will in fact not make a person's skin blush white, but pale white and will actually create new problems on the face, namely black spots.

Fifth, irritation on the skin. On the skin, mercury can cause irritation and mild skin irritation. Usually, irritation that appears on the skin is in the form of itching, redness of the skin, and rashes on the skin. Long-term use of mercury on the skin will have serious long-term effects.

Finally, it can cause skin cancer. The most serious impact of the use of cosmetics containing mercury is skin cancer. The mercury content can enter the body and cause the cancer virus to spread throughout the body.