Tangkapan layar - film kartun anak-anak diduga bernuansa LGBT beredar viral di media sosial.
Social media was horrified by viral footage of children's cartoons containing elements of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT). Video uploaded by the tiktok account @rachmatika.brmgs with a duration of 25 seconds.
Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) M Febriyanto Firman Wijaya said that any action involving LGBT representation in children's programs would receive mixed reviews. Some may support this depiction as a way to teach children about diversity and inclusion from an early age, while others may argue that it is more appropriate at an older age.
According to him, from a religious perspective explained in the book Mas?'il Fiqhiyyah by Masjfuk Zuhdi that homosexuality (liw??) is a grave sin, because it contradicts religious norms, moral norms and also contradicts sunnatullah (God's Law/natural law) and human nature. (human nature) included in Islamic Criminal Law. Even homosexual offenders can receive severe punishment up to the death penalty, as explained in the hadith of Ahmad's History
Also strengthened by the Fatwa on Haram by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Number 57 of 2014 concerning Lesbians, Gays, Sodomy, and obscenity. This fatwa states that homosexuality, both lesbian and gay, is unlawful and is a form of crime (jarimah).
In his statement, Riyan shared tips on preventive measures for parents based on age category. According to him, at the age of 2-4 years, children naturally begin to understand between girls and boys.
"Therefore, we need characters that can be imitated to strengthen personality and also need to teach children discipline, give them the opportunity to speak or pay attention to the teachings of their parents," said Riyan Saturday (26/8/23)
Children aged 6-10 years. At this age, entering the strengthening phase, actions can be used to prevent this from happening. LGBT behavior, in particular: Children should not be taught to play with sensitive body parts. Like pinching intimate organs because it's funny or kissing a child on the lips because he's upset.
Furthermore, parents should pay more attention to the interests of their children. For example, boys playing cooking or girls playing cars, we can pay attention to the role of children, so parents can know the child's personality.
Prevent children from seeing their own parents' sex scenes. Avoid giving negative names to children and give children a true understanding of religion.
Then, children aged 11-14 years. At the age of 11-14 years, efforts that can be made to prevent LGBT acts are: Be more selective in choosing books and films for children. Prioritize what can build children's character. Protect your child's social media accounts by knowing their users and passwords.
It is also important for parents to pay attention to how children relate to their environment. It's not good to let women get used to being friends with powerful men. If left for a long time can affect the child's personality, such as likes to dress like a boy. The role of the mother will also be more prominent if the daughter has a dominant brother.
"Thus the government as the responsible regulator immediately conducts an investigation, especially the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) so that it can adjust to the norms that are in accordance with the Indonesian nation," he concluded.
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