Viral, Mother Gives Coffee Milk to a 7 Month Baby, UM Surabaya Expert Reveals Nine Dangers

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Gambar Artikel Viral, Mother Gives Coffee Milk to a 7 Month Baby, UM Surabaya Expert Reveals Nine Dangers
  • 26 Jan
  • 2023

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Viral, Mother Gives Coffee Milk to a 7 Month Baby, UM Surabaya Expert Reveals Nine Dangers

The viral news of a mother giving instant coffee milk to a 7-month-old baby on social media has received a lot of criticism from netizens. Giving coffee or caffeinated drinks can harm the baby's health.

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies should not be given caffeinated drinks until the age of 12, because the baby's metabolic system is still not perfect.

Etik Wahyuningsih, a lecturer in S1 Pharmacy at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, said that the side effects of caffeine for babies are more dangerous than adults and can even cause some serious health problems.

According to him, the first impact is that the baby has difficulty sleeping, is fussy and restless. Babies who drink coffee can experience sleep difficulties which will interfere with growth because during sleep the body produces growth hormone.

"In addition, coffee can cause a baby's heart to race, dizziness and headaches, causing babies to be fussy and restless," explained Ethics Thursday (26/1/23)

Second, early addiction or addiction. Caffeine contains psychoactive substances that are potentially addictive so babies who drink coffee for a long time cause addictive effects.

Third, metabolic disorders. According to Ethics, apart from containing caffeine, coffee also contains phytate. Pitate is an antinutrient that inhibits the absorption of vitamins and minerals. This can cause growth disorders in infants.

Fifth, the problem of growth and development (stunting). In addition to inhibiting calcium absorption which plays a role in the process of bone growth, giving coffee to babies can also inhibit the absorption of iron and magnesium which are needed for brain development.

"The result can be fatal if the baby cannot absorb iron and magnesium optimally which results in stunting," he stressed again.

Sixth, trigger obesity. Instant coffee contains other additional ingredients such as cream, syrup and sugar which are additional ingredients to increase the caloric value which is at risk of increasing children's weight.

Seventh, increase stomach acid. Caffeine can stimulate stomach acid production thereby increasing the risk of acid reflux (GERD).

Eighth, the risk of dehydration. Caffeine is a diuretic (diuretic) which increases urine volume so coffee consumption causes babies to urinate frequently which increases the risk of dehydration

"Finally, the risk of diarrhea. Giving coffee to babies under 7 months has the potential to cause diarrhea because the baby's digestive system is not yet perfect," concluded Etik.