Viral Graphic Design Dies Because He Often Stays Up Late, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Responses

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Gambar Artikel Viral Graphic Design Dies Because He Often Stays Up Late, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Responses
  • 22 Jul
  • 2023

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Viral Graphic Design Dies Because He Often Stays Up Late, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Responses

Recently, social media has been busy with news of the discovery of a case of the death of a teenager in Bantul, Jogjakarta. Because the teenager allegedly died of stomach acid disease. It was also reported that the teenager had stomach acid due to staying up too often and drinking coffee.

Firman, a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya spoke up

"Actually acid reflux disease does not directly cause death, except if complications occur such as aspiration of gastric juice into the lungs, which then causes infection in the lungs, and it is made worse if you have a smoking habit," said Firman Saturday (22/7/23)

Firman said, sudden death like the case above, can also be caused by having other diseases such as heart attack as the cause of death, which lately often occurs at a young age, due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Sometimes it happens unnoticed because you never come for a check-up and treatment at a health care facility.

He explained, acid reflux disease is known as Gastroesophangeal Reflux Disease (GERD). This disease is caused by stomach acid rising into the esophagus, causing a burning feeling around the chest area. For ordinary people it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of stomach acid from heart disease.

"For that we need to know the difference between the two, as an initial assessment of the disease. The typical symptom that occurs in acid reflux disease is a burning feeling along the stomach to the middle of the chest to the esophagus. Meanwhile, heart disease has chest pain like pressure and can radiate to the shoulder and wrist area," he added.

According to him, the habit of drinking coffee too often can have a negative impact on health. The caffeine contained in coffee can stimulate the adrenal glands, aiming to produce the hormone adrenaline, which can cause an increase in heart contractions and blood pressure, which can consequently increase the risk of heart disease.

However, coffee does not always pose a risk of heart disease, provided that you drink coffee for a reasonable duration and amount, namely no more than 3 cups per day. Because the caffeine contained in a cup of coffee is around 50 mg, and the caffeine tolerance limit in the body is approximately 450 mg.

“Having a habit of drinking coffee can also cause gastric acid. When someone consumes caffeine in coffee excessively, it will trigger an increase in stomach acid, and when stomach acid increases, it will rise to the esophagus and symptoms of pain, heartburn, palpitations and shortness of breath arise, "he added.

At the end of his statement, Firman said that someone who has a history of gastritis or inflammation of the stomach must avoid drinking coffee until he is declared cured. Because if you are still forced to drink coffee, it will not make your body fresh, but it will actually exacerbate the disease you are experiencing, and an emergency condition can arise, and if you get help too late it will lead to death.