Viral for Obese Babies Given Sweetened Condensed Milk, UM Surabaya Nutritionist Calls 5 Impacts

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Gambar Artikel Viral for Obese Babies Given Sweetened Condensed Milk, UM Surabaya Nutritionist Calls 5 Impacts
  • 23 Feb
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar (Yusuf Bachtiar/

Viral for Obese Babies Given Sweetened Condensed Milk, UM Surabaya Nutritionist Calls 5 Impacts

Social media was shocked by a baby named Muhamamad Kenzie Alfaro, a 16-month-old baby who was obese because his parents gave SKM sweetened condensed milk. Tri Kurniawati, a nutritionist at UM Surabaya, responded directly to this case.

Tri, who is a Lecturer in Health and Nutrition for Early Childhood at UM Surabaya, said that nutrition plays a very important role in the development of children. The purpose of providing good nutrition is to achieve child growth and development. In infants and children, malnutrition will cause growth and development disorders which, if not treated early, will continue into adulthood.

He said that the age of 0-24 months is a critical period in the growth and development of children, because this is the period for the most optimal growth and development of children both for their intelligence and physique. This period can be realized if children get optimal nutritional intake according to their needs.

"Sweet condensed milk is indeed very popular, apart from its delicious taste, the price is also affordable, but it will have a negative impact on children if it is consumed in large quantities," said Tri Thursday (23/2/23)

According to him, the first impact is that children become full quickly. SKM contains 50% sugar, not milk which is made from liquid ingredients, thus triggering children to feel full quickly and not consume other foods.

Second, nutritional needs are not met. The content of sweetened condensed milk does not have the micro nutrients needed by children including energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, water, vitamins and minerals.

"Fulfillment of fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK) and water-soluble vitamins, namely B complex vitamins (B1, B2, Niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, and B12) and vitamin C. Minerals include zinc, iodine and Fe. Based on the results of a survey conducted on the islands of Java and NTT, it shows that routine consumption of SKM can also lead to impaired nutritional status in toddlers," added Tri again.

Third, children's cognitive development does not develop optimally. The toddler period becomes more important because it is a critical period in efforts to create quality human resources in the future. Moreover, the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and the first two years after birth are the golden period when brain cells are experiencing optimal growth and development.

"The existence of health problems will have an impact on the rate of growth and development of the child's body, while one of the factors that can determine a child's immune system is his nutritional state," said Tri.

Fourth, obesity in children. Being overweight is caused by a lack of consumption of a variety of foods consumed.

Fifth, productivity and health problems in adulthood. Fulfillment of unbalanced nutrition can cause immune system disorders, which makes children susceptible to disease.

"Consumption patterns with minimal consumption of SKM and other food ingredients will also have an effect on low body immunity. If this condition is carried over into adulthood, it will cause productivity and health problems in adulthood, "concluded Tri.