Viral Children in Bantul Affected by Tuberculosis Because They Are Often Kissed and Carried, This is the Response of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Viral Children in Bantul Affected by Tuberculosis Because They Are Often Kissed and Carried, This is the Response of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 22 Dec
  • 2022

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Viral Children in Bantul Affected by Tuberculosis Because They Are Often Kissed and Carried, This is the Response of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

The Health Service (Dinkes) of Bantul Regency, DI Yogyakarta, recorded that from January to November 2022 there were 1,216 cases of Tuberculosis (TBC). Of these thousands of people 50 percent of whom are children. It is known that many children have TB because there are still many people who have not been detected and have not been treated.

Idham Choliq, a Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, responded to the busy case.

In a written statement, Idham explained Tuberculosis (TB) is a direct infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacterium. He said TB transmission occurs when a positive TB patient coughs or sneezes.

"Patients spread germs into the air in the form of sputum splashes. Generally, transmission occurs in a dark and damp room and the sputum splashes last a long time," said Idham Thursday (12/22/22)

According to him, the risk of this transmission can be reduced when a person is in a room with good and adequate ventilation and there is also sunlight because this can immediately kill germs.

"Therefore, it is very dangerous if a TB patient unknowingly kisses a child because direct transmission can occur. So that resulted in the child being positive for tuberculosis, “explained Idham again.

According to him, there are several ways to prevent transmission that are important for TB positive patients to pay attention to. First, the patient is instructed to cover his mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing using a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash immediately.

Second, do not spit carelessly because this can be a medium for transmitting germs.

Third, always maintain the cleanliness of the house with good air ventilation by frequently opening doors and windows so that fresh air and sunlight can enter and exit properly.

"Finally, don't let your child sleep in the same room as other people, let alone kiss and carry them carelessly. This is a step to anticipate the occurrence of direct transmission, "concluded Idham.