Young Age Often Forgets, UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Cause

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Gambar Artikel Young Age Often Forgets, UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Cause
  • 09 Nov
  • 2022

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Young Age Often Forgets, UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Cause

Talking about the habit of forgetting at a young age, it can be said to be multifactorial. There are so many factors that can influence it. If we refer to information processing theory, the input we receive is then processed, and stored through short term memory (short term memory) and long term memory (long term memory).

Holy Ichda Wahyuni Lecturer in Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) UM Surabaya explained that input information stored in long-term memory is more durable. However, because we receive a lot of information, to remember it requires recalling again.

Meanwhile, input information stored in short-term memory is not durable. So it's easy to lose, or what we usually call forgetting.

"Forgetting is of course triggered by many things, which become an obstacle to recalling memories, including: depression or excessive anxiety, stress/overthinking, lack of adequate rest, and the use of several types of drugs," said Holy Wednesday (9/11/22 )

Holy gives some tips or some things that need to be done so you don't easily forget at a young age.

First, make a note of the condition of the heart, or problem analysis. This is done so that we are able to reflect on the causes of depression/anxiety and find solutions.

Both record important things in a pocket book or an alarm on the cell phone.

Third, sort the priority scale in the notes every day.

Fourth put things in the same place.

Fifth, when stress hits, burnout and so on, do refreshing.

"Finally, a person can do sports such as yoga to train calm and concentration," concluded Holy