Tips to Prevent Post-Eid Obesity from UM Surabaya Lecturers

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  • 26 Apr
  • 2023

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Tips to Prevent Post-Eid Obesity from UM Surabaya Lecturers

After fasting for one month in the month of Ramadan, people are now back to eating and drinking during the day. Not infrequently during Eid and after Eid it becomes an arena for revenge by most people. Food that is definitely delicious often makes someone want to eat more than usual.

However, sometimes we forget that a healthy life that has been established for one month in Ramadan suddenly becomes unhealthy. The diet, which was originally regular and disciplined, gave the digestive organs of the body a chance to rest for a while, but after Eid it turned into irregular and undisciplined. As a result, when eating patterns are irregular, and the portion of food continues to increase, it can cause obesity.

Firman, a lecturer at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK), said that obesity or overweight occurs as a result of excessive fat accumulation in the body. Firman explained, this fat accumulation occurs when the food intake consumed is greater than the body's energy used for activity.

Quoting data from the Global Report, 2023, obesity is a global problem that has broad implications and threatens the health of 2 billion people in the world. The global prevalence of obesity is higher in women than men, it is estimated that in 2030 around 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men will live with obesity worldwide.

According to him, cases of obesity cannot be taken lightly, many research results say obesity is a risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart attack, kidney failure, cancer, hypertension and other diseases and contributes to the cause of death from cardiovascular disease (5.87 % of total deaths), diabetes and kidney disease (1.84% of total deaths).

"In addition to having an impact on increasing non-communicable diseases, obesity also has an impact on economic losses triggered by treatment costs due to the emergence of comorbid diseases which do require a lot of money. For this reason, obesity is currently classified as a disease that needs serious and comprehensive intervention," Firman added.

In his statement, Firman shared several tips that can be done to prevent obesity, especially after Eid, namely; first meet daily protein intake, this can increase the body's metabolism 80 to 100 calories per day. Adequate protein intake in the body can make the body feel full longer, so that the desire to snack can be controlled.

Second, do physical activities such as jogging, or gymnastics to stretch muscles, and other physical activities according to each person's ability, carried out for 30 minutes every day, or at least 3 to 5 days per week.

"By doing physical activity regularly and regularly, you can burn fat and calories in the body, so you can prevent fat accumulation in the body," he said.

Third, avoid consuming food or drinks that contain high sugar, because it can trigger a number of dangerous diseases, such as diabetes or diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, or cancer. In addition, one also needs to avoid soft drinks, packaged fruit juices and alcoholic beverages.

Fourth, low-carb diets are very effective at preventing weight gain, and even these tips can be used for weight loss diets.

Finally, routinely measure body weight, abdominal circumference, and blood glucose. How to calculate ideal body weight using the formula, (BB/TB2) or height (TB) in meters multiplied by height (TB) in meters. Then the body weight (BB) is divided by the product of the height (TB) earlier.

"So from these calculations we can find out whether our body's ideal weight is in the normal or obese category," said Firman.