Staying Healthy while Staying Up Watching the World Cup, UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares These 9 Tips

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Gambar Artikel Staying Healthy while Staying Up Watching the World Cup, UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares These 9 Tips
  • 27 Nov
  • 2022

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Staying Healthy while Staying Up Watching the World Cup, UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares These 9 Tips

The World Cup Football has started, especially football fans staying up late to enjoy soccer games via digital television. Not infrequently the World Cup schedule airs early in the morning so a good immune system is needed, because if the immune system is weakened, then a person will be more susceptible to disease.

Adults are advised to sleep for 8 hours a night so that the body can function properly. These sleep needs generally vary for each individual, depending on age and activity.

Dede Nasrullah, a lecturer at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK), shared a number of tips so that the immune system does not go down while staying up late watching the World Cup.

According to Dede, the first thing to do is take time to take a nap. It is important to take time to take a nap during breaks for 30–60 minutes. However, try not to take too long so you don't get dizzy afterwards.

Both consumption of caffeinated drinks, to overcome the drowsiness that arises due to staying up late, a person can consume caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and tea. However, it is still not recommended to consume excessive caffeine drinks. The normal limit for the body to get caffeine intake is 400 milligrams or about 4 cups of brewed coffee every day.

"Third, do light exercise, light exercise starting from 15 to 30 so that the body is always fit, it is also recommended that someone exercise 1 week at least 150 minutes," said Dede Sunday (27/11/22)

Fourth, consume vegetables and fruit. Consuming vegetables and fruit can make the body full quickly and hold hunger within a few hours. So don't eat unhealthy snacks at night, so that it will damage the body.

Fifth, adjust the lighting in the bedroom. When tired, some people prefer to turn off the lights so they can rest well. This darkness actually signals the body to release melatonin, a hormone that triggers sleepiness.

"However, if someone still wants to wake up after staying up late, try to always be in a bright room," added Dede.

Sixth, consuming high protein besides vegetables and fruits, he advised consuming foods high in animal protein, such as eggs, fish, chicken and meat that do not use fat.

Seventh, consume vitamins. Nutritional intake can be obtained from vitamins other than food. Staying up late itself has the potential to reduce the body's power, so it is important to get used to consuming vitamins to increase body power. One can consume vitamins C and D.

Eighth, consumption of water and honey, when staying up late really needs excellent stamina, because staying up late causes a lot of energy to be drained.

"To get good and prime stamina, one of which can be through the help of water and honey, both of which are very useful for increasing the body's resistance when consumed," he added.

Finally, avoid taking a shower immediately after staying up late, taking a morning shower is good for your health and body freshness. But if someone stays up late, it's better to avoid taking a shower immediately after staying up late in the morning because it can trigger flu.