Calistung Test Removed from Elementary School Entrance Requirements, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Calistung Test Removed from Elementary School Entrance Requirements, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 30 Mar
  • 2023

Nadiem Makarim (Sumber:

Calistung Test Removed from Elementary School Entrance Requirements, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim made a policy of abolishing the literacy and numeracy test (Calistung) as a condition for entering elementary school (SD). Nadiem forbade schools from conducting the Calistung test for elementary schools in accepting new students.

Lecturer of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) UM Surabaya Holy Ichda Wahyuni responded to this.

Holy said that removing the calistung requirement (reading and writing arithmetic) when entering elementary school by not introducing calistung skills are two different things. According to him, the abolition of this requirement will have an impact, especially on the pattern of early childhood education before entering elementary school (SD).

"Recently there have been a lot of facts on the ground, how parents are trying very hard, so that their children can master literacy and arithmetic before entering elementary school, even many young children are enrolled in calistung lessons on the grounds that parents don't want to see their children far away. left behind with his friends when he entered elementary school,” said Holy Thursday (30/3/23)

Holy said that removing this condition would allow parents to have loose space to rearrange the pattern of education for their children.

"We can also give children the opportunity to explore their childhood more slowly, you don't have to force all abilities (calistung) in a hurry," Holy added.

According to him, there are many other abilities and skills that parents cannot ignore when in the process of caring for early childhood. Such as the concept of emotion, recognizing feelings, bonding openness with parents in harmonious interactions. This concept is no less important in preparing children before entering elementary school.

"Parents are of course allowed to introduce simple calistung to children, in the nuances of playing. But what needs to be a shared awareness, when entering elementary school but the child does not yet have good skills in calistung, this is not a fatal mistake," said Holy again.

In his explanation, Holy also related to the theory of child development that was coined by the educational figure "Jean Piaget", that at the age of 2-7 years (pre-school age to early school entry) they are still in the pre-operational stage. At this stage, children cannot be invited to think abstractly and express logical thoughts.

He explained, at the cognitive stage, children in this phase have a lot to do with symbolic things, such as pictures. Meanwhile, at the age of 7-11 years (SD age) children have started to be invited to think logically, such as studying mathematics.

"From this, of course we know that while in elementary school they can still learn and practice optimally according to their stage of development in calistung abilities. Of course, the curriculum in elementary schools provides a lot of space and support for achieving these abilities,” concluded Holy.