Not Just Being a Teacher, Here Are 6 Promising Job Opportunities for Mathematics Graduates

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Gambar Artikel Not Just Being a Teacher, Here Are 6 Promising Job Opportunities for Mathematics Graduates
  • 03 Jan
  • 2023

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Not Just Being a Teacher, Here Are 6 Promising Job Opportunities for Mathematics Graduates

Mathematics is often regarded as one of the frightening majors because it deals with abstract numbers and formulas. Besides that, there are still many people who are narrow-minded and think that graduates majoring in mathematics can only teach and become teachers.

This assumption is clearly inappropriate for graduate students majoring in mathematics. This is because there are many promising professions that can accommodate mathematics graduates.

UM Surabaya Mathematics Education Lecturer Syarifuddin shares six promising professions for mathematics graduates.

According to Syarif, the first is to become a data analyst. Graduates majoring in mathematics have a great opportunity to become data analysts. This profession is very suitable for mathematics graduates because it is closely related to processing, interpreting and presenting data in the form of information that is more useful and easy to understand.

"So this can be used to make reports and make better policies regarding certain matters, such as marketing, sales strategy and so on," said Syarif Tuesday (3/1/23)

Both are programmers. Working as a programmer is one of the most promising jobs for a graduate majoring in mathematics. This job is considered suitable for graduates majoring in mathematics because the programming language created by a programmer is closely related to logic and algorithms, which is one of the skills possessed by a graduate majoring in mathematics.

"Students majoring in mathematics are of course familiar with mathematical logic material which is widely used by programmers in creating and developing software or software," he added.

The third is to become a Content Creator. This job is one of the jobs that is currently in great demand by the millennial generation and generation Z. This work can also be done by students majoring in mathematics, namely by making educational videos about how to calculate and solve math problems or it can also provide knowledge about various kinds of math formulas in an interesting and fun way.

The content is then uploaded on various social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and various other social media so as to educate the audience. The more people who follow and view the content, the greater the opportunity to earn money from the content created.

The Four Actuaries. Actuaries are professionals who are experts in applying mathematical theory, probability and statistics to financial matters. An important task of an actuary is to analyze the situation and financial condition of a company which is then used as a consideration for making decisions in order to minimize risks and losses.

Fifth marketing analyst. Analyzing market conditions is something that is very important for the company. This is done to see and assess product potential, marketing targets and the right price to offer.

"With the ability in statistical material, opportunities and social arithmetic are the basis for graduate students majoring in mathematics to engage in this work," he added again.

Finally become a statistician. Mathematics graduate students have great opportunities to work in the field of data processing and state statistics as well as survey institutions.

"With the provision of skills in the statistics material they have learned, students who graduate from the Mathematics Department are very suitable to work as statisticians," concluded Syarif.