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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Drinking Coffee Excessively Triggers Someone to Experience Anemia to Diabetes
  • 05 Jul
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer: Drinking Coffee Excessively Triggers Someone to Experience Anemia to Diabetes

Drinking coffee has become a lifestyle today, apart from its delicious taste and can reduce sleepiness, consuming coffee is considered an obligation before people do activities. Even though behind [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • 28 Jun
  • 2022

UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke

The habit of sitting for long periods of time is often done by people who work in offices. Behind the comfort of sitting in a chair for 6-8 hours, there are dangers lurking in the body that we need [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Vulnerable to Attacks during the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes of Diarrhea
  • 22 Jun
  • 2022

Vulnerable to Attacks during the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes of Diarrhea

Lately rainfall tends to increase in several cities. The high rainfall causes several seasonal diseases. Apart from coughs and colds, infectious diseases during the rainy season that need to be wat [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya: Ini Tanda Kolesterol Tinggi yang Muncul di Kaki
  • 16 Jun
  • 2022

Dosen UM Surabaya: Ini Tanda Kolesterol Tinggi yang Muncul di Kaki

Cholesterol metabolism in humans involves many organs. About 90 percent of the cholesterol in the body's cells is in the plasma membrane. Under normal circumstances, cholesterol is actually needed [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Viral Four-Year-Old Boy in Sampang Addicted to the Smell of Gasoline, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 14 Jun
  • 2022

Viral Four-Year-Old Boy in Sampang Addicted to the Smell of Gasoline, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

Social media has been stirred up by a four-year-old boy in Sampang, Madura, East Java, who is addicted to the smell of gasoline. This attracted the attention of Ira Purnamasari Lecturer at the Facu [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Early Marriages Are Rising, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Beware of Uterine Cancer to Stunting
  • 13 Jun
  • 2022

Early Marriages Are Rising, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Beware of Uterine Cancer to Stunting

A few weeks ago the community was shocked by the early marriage of junior high school students that took place in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi. It is known that the two are aged 15 years and 16 yea [Read More]