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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a
  • 13 Jun
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a

In carrying out qurban worship, choosing an animal that is in accordance with Islamic law is an important step. Through proper selection, one can ensure that his qurban is accepted by Allah SWT. [Read More]
Gambar Artikel What Can a Medical Laboratory Technology Graduate Do? This is the Word of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 07 Jun
  • 2023

What Can a Medical Laboratory Technology Graduate Do? This is the Word of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

The Academy of Health Analysts is now known as Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM). In practice, students majoring in this department will carry out laboratory tests using knowledge and methods fro [Read More]
Gambar Artikel FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: These 8 Fruits Are Good to Eat to Maintain Dental Health
  • 29 May
  • 2023

FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: These 8 Fruits Are Good to Eat to Maintain Dental Health

Fruit is usually eaten as a dessert that is refreshing and rich in fiber, especially after a person has eaten sweet and fatty foods which tend to cause damage to teeth.Based on the nutrition [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Psychology Lecturer: Body Shaming Can Cause Depression to Death
  • 16 May
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Psychology Lecturer: Body Shaming Can Cause Depression to Death

The behavior of body shaming or insulting the physical appearance of other people is often a concern in society, because in today's era body shaming often occurs in everyday life, it is even very e [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Midwife Alumni Share Tips for Success in Sleep Training for Babies
  • 15 May
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Midwife Alumni Share Tips for Success in Sleep Training for Babies

Sleep training is a method that can be taught to children to determine a regular sleep schedule every day so that it will optimize or improve the child's mood which affects intelligence, weight gai [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Child Syphilis Cases in Indonesia Increase 70%, UM Surabaya Lecturer Advises This
  • 12 May
  • 2023

Child Syphilis Cases in Indonesia Increase 70%, UM Surabaya Lecturer Advises This

Recently, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) revealed the latest facts regarding cases of sexually transmitted diseases in Indonesia. Mohammad Syahril as a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health sa [Read More]